First day of school pt 3

33 4 1

Taehyun p.o.v

(HeHe surprise)

 "Beomgyu, are you okay, your sister sent me in here to check on you" I then saw him sitting in the floor sucking his thumb "dada?" 

 " I'm not your dad"  he whimpered. "Nini???"

 " jennie, uh I mean Nini can't come I here, it's a boys bathroom. "

 "Go Nini"


 "Get Nini?"

 " Oh buddy, I don't know, what is wrong? " he stuck his lip out and whimpered, tears pooling in his eyes. "Uh, I'll be right back" I went out to the hallway, "Jennie, there is no one in the bathroom and I don't know what to do. He keeps calling for you, and now he's crying"

"HE'S CRYING!!!!!!?????!!!!!!?!??!"

" Yeah"

"Oh my God, I need to help him, can you please block the door so I can go help him?"" uh, alright but be fast"

Jennie p.o.v

I can't believe I'm doin this I can't believe I'm sorry my this I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS. I pushed open the door to the BOY'S bathroom. "Gyu, buddy, are you ok"


 " Yeah buddy it's me" he extended his arms and made granny hands, I picked him up, "it's ok, it's ok I'm here for you, I know you're overwhelmed but I've got you, I'm here don't worry Gyu." We sat down on the bathroom floor and he cuddled into me. Before I knew it he had fallen asleep,I looked at my watch and almost cheered out loud, it was our lunch break, which means we had 35 minutes (idk how long an average lunch break is, at our school it's 35 minutes so I went off of that)  I let him sleep, he needed it, and honestly I didn't know what else to do. When about 15 minutes later I shook his shoulder. "Gyu wake up"

 "Huh?? Where am I" 


 "Why are you here, and why am I on the floor"

 "You slipped, so I let you take a nap"


 " it's lunch period "

 "Oh thank goodness. .........


 "Because you slipped and I needed to be there for you" 

 "What if someone came in?"

 " Taehyun is blocking the door? " 

 "Taehyun!?!?? Did he see me??? Is he gonna judge me?!? What's he gonna think of me?????" 

 " Gyu it's fine, let's go, I need to talk to my teacher I missed part of my class and I need to catch up" 

"Ok, I should explain to Taehyun what happened, he probably thinks I'm so weird"

" I don't think he does but whatever makes you feel better"

"Oh and by the way"


" thanks for sneaking into the boys bathroom and taking care of me"

"Anything for my favorite older brother "

"I'm your only older brother"

"Still my favorite " he rolled his eyes. The two of us left together Taehyun was standing at the door. "Hey guys." 

 "Hey Taehyun, thanks so much for your help"

"No problem"  

Beomgyu p.o.v

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