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17 years ago
"In five, four, three, two" the cameraman said recording live. "This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News" the news reporter said "Outside of the Capital West bank at Main and sixth." He took a breath before continuing "A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages." He said "Hey, get them behind the counter!" One of the robbers said as the alarm was ringing "Now you've put me in a position, Where I gotta do something I don't wanna do. Hmm?" He continued saying "Shit!" He said irritated the person on the other line hung up and just as he said that a girl had walked up next to him with her hands behind her back, a uniform on, and a mask covering her eyes "Hey, get back with others." He said finally noticing her "I heard a rumor." The girl said "What? What did you say?" the man said clearly annoyed the girl got closer to his ear "I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot" she said as her voice echoed in the mans ear the man looked down at his gin and lifted it up to his friends foot and cocked back the gun "Hey, dude." The other robber said seeing the gun the first robber shot his friend in the foot "What the hell?" The second robber said groaning as the second bullet hit the glass window making all the hostages scream.
"We just heard shots from inside the bank" Jim the news reporter said "It's uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that" he continued "Up there!" Some man from the crowd outside said "There's some movement on the roof possible law enforcement." The news reporter said as the person on the roof jumped down inside the bank landing behind the desk. He slammed a robbers head on the desk and threw him out the window "Looks like one of the armed robbers has been thrown from the bank." The news reporter said continuing. "Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives." Another boy with a mask covering his eyes said as he ran in throwing 2 knives at another armed robbers shirt sticking him to the wall as the robber groaned "I've been in many hostage situations like this, and it can escalate very quickly." The news reporter said again "get back, you freaks." The first armed robber said "Hey, be careful up there, buddy." Diego said "Get back now!" The robber said again "yeah wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison said "Or what?" Five said space jumping behind him sitting criss crossed the robber tried to shoot but missed because five had spaced jumped in front of him the robber grunted in frustration he turned around face to face with five trying to shoot but his gun was replaced with a stapler he looked at it confused "Ooh! That's one badass stapler!" Five said with his voice breaking at the end before he made the man hit his self in the head with the stapler leaving and nasty scar and making the man fall down to the floor "Although there's been no activity for a few minutes, we're gonna stay live on location to make sure we don't miss anything" the news reporter said "in this hostage situation at the Capital West bank." He continued "Do we really have to do this?" Ben asked looking at his siblings talking low "Come on Ben there's more guys in the vault." Luther said to his brother. Ben sighed before saying "I didn't sign up for this."  "Now we see the hostages they-" he stopped " They're free, they're scared, clearly, but they do seem to be unharmed." He continued Ben walked into the vault and released the beast in his chest all you could hear was the beats screaming and the robbers screaming after a while the screaming stopped and Ben walked out with a lot of blood on him "can we go home now?" He asked in pain. "People are coming out now. It's not the armed robbers" he said before stopping "These are young schoolchildren in uniforms with mask on." He finished saying "Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 news." He said before the camera man turned the camera off. "Why can't we play with others?" Vanya said at the top of a building with her sister and father asking for both of them "We've been through this before number seven." He started "im afraid there's just nothing special about you two." He finished before walking down to the others but what he didn't realize was that his words has hurt vanya and Kaliyah setting something off inside of them.

Yall know how the scene where the people were asking questions goes so im done writing ill finish later mkay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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