Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Melissa's P.O.V.

Four months after ~ Jason and Mason are 5 months and Adam is 4 months

"Peek a boo!" I say and hear the giggle of Mason. I cover my eyes and uncover them I look into his blue eyes that held so much amusement and smile.

I pick him up and walk into the living room where Daniel and Jason are. Adrian is out buying food. Daniel is on the floor with Jason paying with the toys. Jason is giggling and making noises like gugu and gaga. I sit on the ground beside Daniel and place Mason beside Jason.

They are both wearing white onesies, but they each have a different letter on them. On Jason's it has a 'J' and on Mason's it has a 'M'. I pick up Jason and kiss his cheek. I raise him up high and bring him face to face with me. I look into his blue eyes and give him an Eskimo kiss.

"Foods here!" Adrian yells from the front door.

"Daniel would you bring Mason please?" I ask while getting up with Jason.

"Yeah. Let's go." He says. He picks up Mason and we walk into the kitchen where Adrian is with bags of food.

I go up to him and peck his lips. "Hey, babe." I say.

"Hello." He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. I come out of his hold and pass Jason to him while I sort out the food.

I grab five plates and set them on the table along with five glass cups. I put the Chinese rice in each plate and a few chicken wings on each. I pour some coke in the glass cups.

"I'm going to call Sophie." I tell them before going up the stairs.

I go to Sophie's room and knock. I hear a faint 'come in' and walk in. Sophie is laying on her bed with Adam and Mark. Adam is laying between them.

"The food's here. I served you guys." I said.

"Okay. We are coming." Mark says. I nod and leave.

I go down the stairs and sit down between Adrian and Daniel. Jason and Mason are in their baby seats beside Adrian and I. Sophie and Mark come down with Adam and then sit down. Mark places Adam in his baby seat and then we all start eating.

We eat and have small talk when everyone is done the boys go into the living room with the babies and leave me and Sophie to do the dishes. We pick up the plates and cups and put them in the dish washer.

"Are you and Mark planning on having more pups?" I ask Sophie.

She shrugs. "I don't know. We haven't really talked about it to be honest. I'm only seventeen and already have a child."

"That's good. You can be a milf." I laugh and wink at her.

"Oh shut up. Your practically a milf too. Are you and Adrian having another baby?"

"Well, yeah. I want more even though it was hell. I want to have a girl."

"Same. I want a little girl to do her hair and go shopping with."

We go into the living room and see the three men playing with the three boys. It was such a cute sight. I loved it when Adrian watched over the kids it was cute and had a bit of relaxing time.

Today although, my parents will be coming to pick up Jason and Mason to spend time with them for a night. When Alex heard this he was beyond excited to spend time with his nephews. I'm quite glad they will be at my parents house for the night because I was exhausted of all the early morning cries and just simply waking up every two hours or so.

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