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The kitchen is stacked. Everywhere there are people yelling and running. The royal family has some important diplomates over, which means that there is dinner to be made. Fortunatly, I am not scheduled in the kitchen area. Most of the time I clean up the bedrooms. Sunday is my day off. I am allowed to go out of the palace. Thank god, because six days inside, cleaning my ass off, isn't really something I look forward to everyday. Being a maid pays a little above average. I know I shouldn't complain, but I rather have myself doing something I actually love. I would love to travel the world, write about what I see and one day start a family with the man I am utterly in love with. But unfortunatly, none of all the options above are in my future plans. My mother got her job of being a maid through my grandmother. My grandmother knew a woman that worked in the kitchen and that landed my mother het job. I was born in the castle. My place in society was determined before I could even speak. I knew that if I wanted to leave, I could. But I would never be able to come back to the palace to see my mom. So that is a risk I was never willing to take. Which leads to me still being here. My wish to start a family one day with the man I'm in love with, is most likely going to stay a wish for ever. His name is prince Samuel Hemingson. But everyone just calls him Sam. Sam and I are the same age and have been inseparable ever since. First, we grew a fantastically strong friendship. We would share everything with eachother and we would always be around eachother. But as we grew older, we realised there were more than friendly feelings involved. The king never approved of our connection by the way. He persued his opinion by stating to everyone that Sam needed friends who have his level of education and social status, which is unfair considered I am just a maid. Fortunatly Queen Candice calmed the king down. Although he wasn't pleased about our friendship, he gave us our freedom and didn't bother us anymore. 

''Coming through, coming through!'' chef Marcus yells. He runs through the kitchen with a big bowl of salad. ''I can't believe they forgot this.'' he mutters under his breath. Unfortunate for him, I heard it.

''I can drop it off.'' I say. I'm always willing to help and he knows it. 

''It's not your scene Novelle.'' he says.

''Come on Marcus. Look around, there isn't going to be anyone else helping you. Please.'' I give him my puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist.

''Fine.'' He gives in. ''Drop it off and come back immediatly.'

''Yes sir.'' I say and I salute. I grab the salad bowl and make my way to the dining room. I enter the room and see the king sitting at the head of the table. He is engaged in a conversation with the diplomat. Queen Candice is talking to the diplomats wife and Sam is looking around him, nog engaging with the diplomats daughter who is obviosly trying to get his attention. When Sam notices me, his entire face lights up. I give him a glare, trying to soften his face. He can't show his romantic affections towards me infront of the king. When he sees me with the salad bowl his expression changes to confusion. I put the bowl in front of him on the table. I feel his hand brush lightly over my arm as I'm retreating from the table. But before I could even leave the table, the diplomats daughther speaks to me. 

''Excuse me can you please grab my napkin, it fell of my lap.'' she says with a devilish grin on her face. I know that I can't snap back at her without dealing with consequences, so I do as told. The napkin is right next to her shoe and with even the slightest bow she could have reached it. I bow down and grab the napkin, handing it back to her. While I am making an attempt to leave the table for the second time she grabs my wrist tightly and she lowers my head to hers. ''Don't look at my man like that. The king told me I would marry him and I could easily take your head.'' She tries to sound dominating, but she isn't even close. I am not scared easily when it comes to Sam. I know what he feels for me and he knows what I feel for him and that it what matters the most. Not a desperate diplomate daughter who tries to threaten a maid. 

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