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*i'll be commenting the form; message your form
*i'm sorry if i'll sound mean in my comments that's just bcz internet i'm not really lyk dat

Birthdate: 1994-1998
Birthplace: ((where you are born))
Hometown: ((where you grew up))
Nationality: ((most preferably within asia))
Languages Spoken: ((limited to five; keep it realistic; not everyone can speak english; state if fluent, basic or conversational))
Height & Weight: ((if tall/above 170 cm, make her weight bigger/more than 50 kg. if small/below 170 cm, make her thinner/below 50 kg.))
Fashion Style:
Personality: ((can be in words or sentences. most preferably the latter.))
Trivias: ((her addictions, dislikes, shocking things about her; don't add pre-debut activities))
Love Interest:
Personality of Love Interest: ((make it short and precise))
Background: ((how did you meet or how will you meet with your love interest))
Persona: ((i. e: happy virus, awkward cutie, evil maknae, reverse charm, golden proportions, etc.))
Training Duration:
Fanclub Name:
Pre-debut Activities: ((keep it limited; like mv or drama starrings or background dancer of))
Portrayer: ((Kang Seulgi is taken))
Relatives in the Industry: ((make it realistic please))
Close Friends in the Industry:

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