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"Hey, kiyomasa. You're scaring the crowd." The tall man said as he was walking towards the two boys.

'Who is that?' The short boy thought to himself injured. "Calm down, dumbass." The tall man spoke once again.

Everyone in the crowd was observing him as he walked by. Many of them catch the tattoo he had on his temple.

As they realized who it was, it was way too quiet. "The vice commander of the Tokyo kanji gang... Ryuguji ken. A.K.A. Draken!" Once of the students spoke out.

To his right was a rather short boy who was chewing on a meal he had. "Hey, ken chan." The blonde boy mentioned.

"Wha? Don't call me by that stupid nickname here." Draken mentioned not being like calling that in Public.

"I'm out of dorayaki." He said calmly, but happy as he raised an arm. "This is your third time already." The girl to the right of draken spoke.

"Who the hell are they?" As a boy in the public whispered. "Do they even realized where he is?" The boy with pink hair replied back.

Suddenly everyone had bowed to the three people who had arrived at school leaving few students confused.

"Good day, sir!" Was repeated three times as the boy with blonde hair had walked ahead of the two people he was with.

"Good day, commander, sir!" Was once again and by this time the boy who was beaten up knew who he was. 'He's the head of the Tokyo manji gang... sano manjiro?'

By then, the head of the gang kept walking forwards not looking at anyone's eyes. A students had raised his head to talk introduce himself, but was simply ignored.

"You're in the way. Mikey doesn't talk to guys he's not interested in." Draken said as he passed by. "Don't waste your time now. Maybe in another life you'll be noticed by the leader." The girl smiled with a smirk at the boy as she walked next to Draken.

"S-sorry about that..." the boy said heading back to his position. "Good day sir." The boy who beaten up the blonde hair said as he bowed his head down, but was automatically kicked by draken in the stomach.

The boy winced in pain from the kick. "Kiyomasa, who died and made you king? Make sure you're that far down when Boeing to our commander." Draken spoke which suddenly put the boy down in his place. "Y-yes, sir..."

"Hmm~ not making eye contact while being spoken too? How rude of you." The girl said as she bent down to his level.

The girl suddenly punched the man jaw causing him to wince in pain again. "Never ignore someone eye contact while being spoken to and look straight in there eyes okay?" The girl smiled as she made the okay remarks with her fingers.

"Y-yes, ma'am." He said once again looking at her. The crowd looked at her being shocked and surprised in how strong the girl strength was to put the king in place.

"Wait who's she then?" One of takemichi friend whispered. "That's Y/n. She's never heard of because of not showing herself much in public, but I heard she's really powerful on the level of draken and Mikey. She's someone who comes up with the strategies in the gang." The boy said as they looked at her.

Mikey kept walking up towards the blonde boy and asked "hey, what's your name?"

"H-Hanagaki Takemichi." He spoke being a bit nervous. "I see. So Tamemitchy." Mikey responded.

"Huh? Takemitchy?"

"That's what Mikey said, Takemitchy." Draken spoke. "Are you... really I'm middle school?" Mikey said as he grabbed takemichi hair.

Takemichi was taken by surprised hearing Mikey knowing his grade level. Mikey knew by his reaction that he was right.

"Takemitchy, starting today, you're my friend, all right?" Mikey gave a small smile to him which takemichi was still confused.

Mikey got up and walked towards the boy who was supposedly called "king." "Are you the one running these matches?" He questioned Standing in front of him.

"Y-yes." The boy smiled thinking something good was going to come out of it. But reality hit him as Mikey kicked his jaw, and quickly grabbed him by his hair facing him.

"That's going to be a pain tonight for him." Y/n looked at the boy being grabbed. "You did pretty well too." Draken smiled a bit to Y/n facing back to Mikey.

"Who the hell are you?" Mikey questioned punching the boy several times until he dropped to the floor as Mikey foot was on top of his head.

"Okay then. Let's get going, ken-chin." Taking bets at this little club is lame." He said with a smile leaving the school area along the 2 friends with him.

Takemichi was really dumbfounded at this point in what just happened. "Takemitchy...see you later." Mikey spoke once more with a smile before leaving.

"Y'all wake up and scream already." Draken shoo everyone to leave. "Why was I forced to come here again?" Y/n said with a yawn.

"Why not? It's fun hanging out as 3 and also wasting of your precious time just to see our problems." Mikey gave a thumps up to her with a smile as he walked ahead once more while she just sighed.

Hey besties👯‍♀️ To whoever comes across this, thanks for reading it! I wanted to give you a slight detail of  Y/n character. No she's not going to be a shy or weak girl. I wanted to make her personality similar to smiley's In a way which she's Strong, and would take dangerous situations fun. That's all!

Published: July 5, 2021

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now