Chapter one, discovery.

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Adrian had experienced a displeasing relationship with his girlfriend but he didn't know why, he liked her, but he didn't feel like he loved her. He thought he did when he asked her out, but he soon came to realise he was forcing himself to.
That's when he found out; he wasn't like this because he was broken, or dumb, he was gay.
When he came to this conclusion, he was scared. Scared that school would laugh, scared his girlfriend would hate him, scared of what his parents might do.
But on his 27th birthday, he decided to finally tell them, and instantly regretted it.
He was kicked out of the house, called: a sinner, the devil's child, dirty, not right, and a disappointment.
He decided to hide at Taylor's house where he would be safe. He didn't know what would occur that fateful night..

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