Chapter 29~ Sorry

Start from the beginning

I floor the accelerator when I hear her groan on the phone as regret fills me, I shouldn't have said all the shit I did last night. I should have stopped after the first time she told me that she had no relation to Nadian.

I don't bother slowing down much more when I make a turn and change the gear of my car to try and control it, "I'll give you anything you can name, just get away from her." I try to bargain with him even though I know that he won't give in like that.

What makes this so much worse is that he is drunk out of his mind, meaning if there was a bit of humanity left inside that puta it was probably gone by now. If i can just keep him distracted for five more minutes then it will be fine, Ragusa is a pretty small town which I know off the back of my hand and I can get to the edge of the city where he is in no time.

"I have everything I want." He whispers and when I hear Bella's struggles get louder I wince. I'm so fucking sorry, Bella.

"If you don't get away from my wife right now then you will get caught up in the matters of the chief family, and we all know how that will end." I threaten and he simply laughs as if he has nothing else to lose.

Psychotic motherfucker.

"The chief family will never spare me, I am bound to be caught in their shit." He shouts through the phone before clearing his throat like some crazy bitch.

My eyes fall to the time and I keep driving, a few minutes and I'll be out of the town which means I am so damn close to him, to getting her back and shooting a bullet through his thick ass skull.

"Might as well enjoy my last moments, shouldn't I?" He slurs.

His words cause me to freeze and I'm snapped out of that trance the second I hear Bella shouting my name over whatever is covering her mouth before the line cuts. My eyes widen and I pick up my phone before calling Seth.

He picks up on the first ring and I look in the mirror to see him right behind me, "where are the attack teams, I need them to infiltrate right fucking now." I say and don't even notice when I switch to Italian.

"Ace," he starts off with a deep breath and suddenly I know something has gone terribly wrong, worse than things already are.

I just need to get there before he lays hands on her.

"The teams are all at the south side of the city," he tells me and I groan before lifting my hand and slamming it against the steering wheel. There is a mole, the goddamn mole lead them the wrong way to ensure we don't get to her.

I don't take the time to tell him that there is a mole infiltrating the mafia when I say, "it's just us, we need to get her out of there, Seth." I say as I drive right past the sign saying that we're exiting the town.

"We're going to get her to safety, don't worry." He tells me and I take a deep breath but I can't help the thoughts of Viktor's hands all over her as she is helpless to get him off of her, when I see an abandoned warehouse of the Italian mafia I drive towards it.

Of course he chose to hide on my abandoned land. Pathetic bitch.

I grab my gun and the second I get close enough I get out of the car, not bothering to take my phone or turn the car off as I run out.

My eyes catch sight of three guards guarding the front door with big guns, they see me and before they could raise the guns to shoot mine was in the air and a bullet was through their fucking heads.

I hear the tires of Seth's car colliding with the gravel as he gets out of his car and follows behind me. I go to open the door but when the keycard scanner goes red I curse, looking behind me at the dead man to lean down and snatch a keycard off the lanyard hanging around his neck.

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