Chapter 1.

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Before The Legend Of the Elementals, there was a story. A Story of two worlds orbiting each other unknowingly. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Why don't we start at the beginning?

Earth was and lush with green plants and a wide variety of animals both big and small. Although Earth seemed like a wonderful planet, it had many problems. The leaders and politicians only seem to care about themselves, not about the earth as a whole. Because of this, the conditions on the planet started to deteriorate.

Pollution was slowly seeping into the population. Cities were so densely filled with smog that visibility was poor. However, instead of trying to fix the problems, politicians were looking to escape. Everyone knew the earth was no longer suitable for humans to live on safely, so Scientists looked for a new planet. It was found and using newly developed technology scientist moved the planet so the orbit of the sun just like Earth.

However, this new planet needed a name. After much debate it was settled, the new planet was to be named Rhyu. It had previously been studied for a few years and had much the same conditions as earth. It had fresh water and oxygen and similar weather too. Although the countries would need new names, but that could come later.

So on 5 May, the giant shuttles got into place. Everyone who purchased a premium ticket was first up. That day was the first escape day of many to come. For 50 days to follow escape pods left earth for Rhyu. After that, the people who chose to stay on earth or could not afford a ticket were trapped. There was no way off earth now, not unless they could build their own rocket ship.

Live on Rhyu wasn't a lot different to earth. It was slightly bigger than Earth so days were now 28 hours instead of 24 and in moving the planet two moons had come into orbit of its atmosphere, so nights all the better. Rhyu went around the sun in line with Earth but it was two days behind in time.

The new world had animals native only to Rhyu. Some were, much to the delight of young children, animals they knew well from fairytale books. There were dragons, but different from the books. They were like larger lizards, only with wings. These dragons did not breathe fire and were only just smaller than the average human.

There are wolves that walked on both two legs and four and also butterflies that glowed during the night. It was breathtaking. The humans eventually got to work building, determined not to destroy their clean slate. It would be a long time before life was back to 'normal' all the new normal anyway.

Politicians were adamant that they could not possibly repeat the same procedure they did on earth. They would be eco-friendly, they would use solar and would, under no circumstances, continue to build factories on the same scale. Things would be different, much different. However, no one knew how different things would be.

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100 years and a day later...

"God last night was a blur," said Anna to a few of her friends "If something comes out of this I don't know what I'll do"

"But the party was fun wasn't it?" Rebecca said smiling in a knowing way

"I guess, I don't remember much though" replied Anna

"Oh well there's always next year"

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Somewhere in the woods...

There were effects of the new planet and, 20 years after settlement they were starting to emerge. Babies are being born with strange coloured hair and weirdly shaped birthmarks. In shapes of fire, ice and other elements. This was new, no one had ever seen anything like it. So the leaders got together and made a pact. Every baby or child down with one of these birthmarks were 'deemed a danger to society'. Therefore these children and infants will be taken away, not killed, but hidden.

So, somewhere in the woods, in a forest named Moonshine, a small village was built. The children were given houses, food and clothing and a few adults were also put into the village. The adults were to raise the children as though they were the only people for miles around. As though they were abandoned. It was planned once some of these children were old enough that the adults would tell them the truth. However, this was soon abandoned as it would be too dangerous. No one knew what these children were capable of, but they would soon find out...

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