First Day

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"Does anyone else know?" Chan asked.

"No. I told the female student rep I found the girl passed out in the forest. She never batted an eye." Minho replied.

"Good." He sighed in relief and ruffled his blonde curls in the process. "Will he be okay?"

"He's stable, for now. I already called Seungmin and he's on his way."

"Okay. I wish he could take care of himself a little bit more." The older said and looked at the youngest in the room.

"Says the person who never bothers to rest. I swear Chan, don't make me do things just to make you rest."

"He... he still hates me."


"Sorry. I just miss him. The way he whines and puts off a cute facade when he wanted something from me. I miss Hyunjin."

"He'll come around. Please be patient on him."

"I am." Chan replied and reached out to caress the cheeks of the unconscious boy. "He's burning up."

"This is bad. He was given a mission last week, wasn't he?"

"He was."

"All he had to do was put that stupid ring on. Is it too hard?"

"I'll call Dr. Lee so he can check up on him."

The younger could see that exhaustion written all over the older boy's face.

"Want to sleep?"

"Badly. I just...can't."

"Then come here."

"I'll have to get Han."

"I'll take care of him. I'll go to Dr. Lee too. Go rest."

"Should I?"

"You have to. I can't have you sick. Not you."

The blonde smiled and went closer to the younger. He laid down. Minho put his hand on the elder's head until his usual brown pupils turned red.

"Sleep, Chan. Sleep and rest."


I opened my eyes to be welcomed by a white ceiling. Where am I?

"You're up." A stranger said. He had a well-buffed body and a rather deadly stare, not to mention his deep and raspy voice.


"I'm Seo Changbin. Lia was freaking out when you were found passed out in the forest. Yongbok had to go and calm her down." He explained.

"Okay." Just then my empty stomach grumbled and he laughed.

"I see. You were hungry. I'll grab some food. I'll be back."

So much for his dark aura, he was rather friendly. I found myself alone again. I was trying to think about what I saw in the forest and why I passed out but for some reason I couldn't remember any of it. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I did not notice the door was opened.

A familiar face barged into the infirmary. He was carrying an unconscious boy on his back. The doctor came and checked on the sick boy as the other looked at him worriedly.

"He's been..." For some reason, they began to lower their voice down. So low that I couldn't decipher anything they say.

"You'll have to go without him." The doctor said. "If his fever doesn't come down by night, I'd have to send him there."

I was confused. Where would he send a sick student? The hospital? But why does it sound like he's bringing the unconscious boy somewhere else?

"I hope it doesn't reach that point." The boy replied. "Seungmin will be here for him. I'll have to leave with Chan by 6."

"Speaking of that boy, is he doing well? He's been skipping checkups for two weeks now."

"He's asleep. That brat is really hard headed. I'll try to pull him in for a checkup this week."

"Must be tough." The doctor said and ruffled the boy's hair.

"It's been tough for all of us since last year but we'll manage."

"I'm right here if you need help."

"Thank you, hyung. Please take care of Hyunjin for now. I'll go get Han."

"Do me a favor and take care of Chan for me. He may appear brave but he's broken too."

"Will do, hyung."

The boy bowed and left. I pretended to be asleep just to avoid any eye contact and I succeeded when the doctor just passed by my bed without a word. I was left alone in the infirmary ward or should I rather say, I'm with a boy named Hyunjin. I looked at him and for a sick person, his looks are rather godly. He has a mole at the lower corner of his left eye and his lips are perfect. I mentally slapped myself for sounding like a pervert. He looked familiar. I just can't pinpoint exactly where I saw him. I reached out, just to see if this visual god is real.

"What are you doing?" Changbin said as he entered the room with tons of food and drinks on his both hands.

"Elite. Elite Division. What are they?" I asked.

"It's a special division that we don't know much about. I just know they exist. We don't see them that often. They show up at the cafeteria at times. You'll get to see them at the opening ceremonies though."

"I never knew an Elite Division exists." I murmured.

"Nobody does. We only found out about them in freshman year. Back then, they only had 3 members. I think they have 6 as of today." He replied. "Forget about them and eat. Yongbok is still occupied."

"Lia is still at it? I'm fine though."

"She makes a fuss when things didn't go as planned or we don't give her attention when she makes a fuss so that's basically it."

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled at him ang began inhaling food. I was really hungry.

"Looks like you're feeling better." Yongbok entered the infirmary with an exhausted look on his face.

"She's fine, Bok. I think she was just hungry." Changbin laughed. "I think you look sick. Getting down with a fever?"

"I'm fine. Lia is just...something when she's stressed out."

"I know that. She isn't Lia if she isn't fussing over something minor."

"Thank you." I said and they both smiled at me. "And Lia too."

"No problem. Do you want to reschedule the orientation tomorrow?" Yongbok asked.

"No! I feel fine. I'll do it. Will it be okay with you?"

"Of course. Of course. There's another freshman joining you anyways. I'll meet you at the dorm entrance by 6?"


They took me back to the dorms when Dr. Choi allowed me to be out of the infirmary.

"Regalia is amazing." I murmured as I looked around. Everything about Regalia is grand.

"You'll enjoy it here." Yongbok said with a beautiful smile. "This is Regalia after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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