Chapter 2: can't I just block out everything?

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I hope ur enjoying my story so far.
These memes are just funny I swear I'm looking at them 24/7
Anyway on with the story.


Draco woke to the sound of noise of students and a very bright light.
"Why is there a crowd?" A large booming voice asked. Draco knew that voice from anywhere, it  was his godfather's voice, Severus Snape, a professor at Hogwarts. Head of Slytherin.

"Sir please help him!" A girl shouted. Draco's eyes fluttered open and he saw pansy, his best friend, along with Blaise his other best friend, Snape and a bunch of other Slytherins staring at him.

When Severus noticed that Draco was on the floor bleeding, with a pool of blood next to him, he rushed over immediately.

"OH MY GOD! Ok, everyone move, Pansy, Blaise, come with me to the infirmary," Snape whispered, trying not to startle Draco. He picked Draco up carefully and took him down the long, wide hallways, getting judgemental stares from the other students. 

When they got to the infirmary Poppy Pomfrey automatically noticed the poor, limp boy in the professors arms and motioned him to lay Draco on the bed.

Suddenly Draco felt very weak and sick. He then threw up on the floor. "Oh dear I best clean that up in a minute."  Draco croaked out, "why can't I just block out everything in life? It's not worth living at this point. Why am I still here?"

He didn't remember anything after that, he just saw black.


When Draco woke up 2 days later, he saw Pansy and Blaise sleeping in two chairs next to him. Draco shuffled a little to get comfortable but woke Pansy and Blaise in the process.
"Blaise, Dray is up!" She practically screamed in his face, while hitting him over and over. Blaise almost fell out of the chair and said, more like shouted, " I can see that, I do have eyes y'know!" Draco was hysterically laughing at the two who were having an argument with one an other.

Blaise clasped onto Draco's hand and asked,   "D-Draco, why did you cut yourself? You could have died!" Blaise calmly asked, not wanting to startle the boy.   "We do know you, we know that you absolutely hate your father, we know that he hurts you, we know that you put on Pansy's make-up on for fun."
"Hey! Just because I like Pansy's make-up doesn't mean anything!" Draco said in a sassy tone.

"Whatever," said Blaise still holding a grudge against it. "But why did you do it Draco?"
Draco didn't know if he should tell them, but then he remembered who he was talking to, his best friends, no they were more than that, they were brothers and sisters.

"I ju- I just, can't do it anymore!" He shouted.
"You can't do what draco?" Pansy asked this time.
Draco took in a deep breath, V-Voldemort and my father said that I have to kill Dumbledore." He whispered making sure no one else could hear.

Blaise and Pansy stood there wide-eyed.

"And-and then I started to hyperventilate, and then bad memories came flooding back and then I couldn't take it, and began to cut myself and then after that I just saw black."

Blaise and Pansy were tearing up and hugged Draco, for what felt like forever.

Then Snape and Lucius, Draco's father, bursted through the infirmary's doors. "Blaise, Pansy, can you give us a moment please." Snape asked, motioning them to go out the doors. They said goodbye to Draco and headed out glancing back giving sorry faces to him so he knew that they didn't want to leave him there. Draco was scared about what his father might say.
Thanks for all the love
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