"What do you expect me to eat tomorrow?" I asked "are you trying to starve me?" I said dramatically,

"What time are you going?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow,

"2:00" I mumbled already knowing what he was going to say,

"You can eat before you leave and you be back for dinner so you'll be fine" he shrugged,

"But Jennie's allowed to stay out 'til six" I informed,

"Like I said before, you'll be back for dinner. You're leaving at two Gracie that gives you more than enough time" he said. Just then Will walked in to the room in his uniform and his coat,

"I'm leaving" he announced "my shift finished at 6:00am so I should be back by 7:00" he said and Jay nodded and said goodbye before going to take a shower "See you in the morning, don't stay up to late" he said as he gave me a kiss on top of my head,

"Ok, love you" I said as he turned to walk out of the apartment,

"Love you to" he replied before closing the front door behind him,

"Gracie, I'm gonna take a shower" Jay shouted from his room "can you lock the front door?" He asked and I got up of the sofa to do so,

"Ok" I replied before sitting back down in front of the tv with a huff. 'Maybe I should just text my friends and tell them I can't go?' I thought to myself. But I don't wanna be the one to miss out. I looked over to the kitchen island where Jays wallet and badge had been disposed of and an idea popped in to my head. Will's gone to work, Jay's just got in the shower...he won't miss $10 right? I got up and walked in to the hallway and listened for any indication that Jay had yet to get in the shower but I was met by the sound of running water so I walked back in to the kitchen and picked up his wallet, being careful not to make any noise. There where a few notes along with his cards and ID. I smiled slightly when I saw he had an old school photo of me pigtails and all tucked in to one of the card slots causing a wave of guilt to wash over me. I didn't have time to re think as I heard the sound of the shower turning off so I quickly pulled out a $10 note and shoved it in to the back of my phone case before returning his wallet to it's original place and hastily returning to my spot on the sofa. Not a few seconds later Jay reappeared in a new set of comfier clothes and towel drying his hair,

"What're you watching?" He asked with a smirk and I looked up to see a baby cartoon playing on the screen. Damn, I must have sat on the remote,

"I'm not, the channel must've changed when I sat on the remote" I informed and he sniggered,

"Ok whatever you say" he teased,

"Jay don't be stupid I wasn't watching it" I said dramatically "I don't even know what this is called" I stated as I watched the brightly coloured fluffy characters run around on the screen,

"If you say so sweetie" he mocked "see, you pretend to be a grown up but I knew you where still just a little girl" he teased as he pitched my cheeks slightly and I smacked his hands away,

"You're not funny" I said to him as he sat down on the couch next to me "can we watch a movie?" I asked hopefully,

"Have you got homework?" He asked and I groaned "I'll take that as a yes. Cmon' you know the rules kid" he reminded and I looked up at him with pleading eyes,

"It's not due 'til the end of next week Jay, I've got ages to do it" I stated "just this once?" I said as I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and stuck my bottom lip out "pleaseeee" I said sweetly,

"That's not fair" he stated as he pointed at my current expression "fine" he caved,

"Yes, thank you" I said before giving him a quick hug,

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