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My neighbour's think I am crazy

But they don't understand

You are all I had, you are all I had.

I am here again on the rooftop lying down while resting my hands on my head and looking up to my sunshine, my moon. Yes, moon is my sunshine as everyone says that the one who encourages you to live a healthy and happy life is your sunshine, and for me it is my moon. I sighed thinking about my day today. It have been a week since the school incident and I no longer go there. We have got our results too and this time just like every time I have topped in my class. I am so proud of myself but I don't have anyone to praise me and be happy for me. I have been directly selected by the top college of the city because of my impressive results and my classes will start soon too. I will go for business management as it is my dream to be one of the business typhoon's just like my dad. I hate him but respect him too for what he is today. I sighed as there were no tears for today. It might be one of the happiest days in my life that I did not cry. Today I am at peace. I am just silently admiring my sunshine. It is half today. I still love the way you are even if you show yourself half. I see my everything in my moon.

Adam- I missed you. I said to him lovingly looking at him.

Moon- Me? But I am always there. With you, by your side.

Adam- I missed you when the sun snatch your light to be in the spotlight.

Moon- Adam, I have always told you-

Adam- I know, I know, Sun is my friend too, I just need to talk with him as well. I know that you both are enemies but you don't want me to hate him because of you. You don't have to repeat the thing when I am bitching about that sun.

Moon- Adam, you don't know this but even if we are not in good terms, he always give me his light so that you see me everyday.

I looked away not wanting to argue more. I closed my eyes feeling the cold breeze hitting my face making me relax. Why this day seems peaceful than any other day. I want everyday to be like this. Where I never get tears in my eyes. Smiling is not in my dictionary I guess, that is why I have stopped craving for it. I just don't want to cry everyday and live with peace.

Moon- Adam!! He called me softly and I looked at him. Tell me about your day today.

Adam- Hmm~~ today was also not so good but I think I have become stronger to not cry over silly things now.

Moon- What happen! Tell me. You know right, sharing happiness spreads it more and sharing tears lessens the pain. So you should always share. Ok!?

Adam- Yeah! umm~~ today I was walking through the streets in the noon when that shitty sun was above me.

Moon- Adam!!

Adam- I know I know, I am sorry... listen now, so I was finding you up above in the sky and-


Adam- Where are you? I am bored I want to talk to you right now. I miss you moon~

I was walking looking up and bumped into someone making both of us to fall. I stood up and saw a beautiful girl.

Adam- Oh my! I am sorry~ I helped her to get up. She looked up to me and smiled sweetly. Wow! she is really beautiful. But I don't want to interact with her, she will find me weird like everyone does.

???- No, it's okay. Even I was not looking on my way. By the way I am Stacy. She said bringing her hand forward.

Adam- Umm~ I am Adam. I said reaching for her hand. The time when our hands touched, I could feel a spark. Her touch was magical just like her. I want to be friends with her, but I know she won't want it. I am just a immature guy who doesn't know how to smile. How will I make her smile then? I don't want to waste more of her time on me. I silently left from there and she just looked at me weirdly. While I was away, I saw her with my neighbour aunt.

Neighbour- Hey! Girl! Yes you.

Stacy- Me? She said pointing to herself, the aunt nodded and she went close to her.

Neighbour- Don't talk to that guy, he is really weird and suffering from a rare disease. It s better to stay away from him.

Stacy- Huh!? Ms. I don't know what you are talking about.

Neighbour- Just be careful from him, he is quite weird you know.


Yes, weird. I am I guess. That is how my neighbours think about be. Weird, crazy, dumb, mental and what not. While I pass by the neighbourhood I can always hear whispering about me. I try my best to avoid it but they are always bring tears to my eyes. My eyes always pain because of all the stress it receives from this cruelty against me.

Adam- Will I even be able to become like a normal human in front of them. Will they ever accept me as I am? Moon, I am confused.

Moon- Don't worry Adam, I am always here for you. In every season, every place, every night.

Remember, I am always here waiting for you every night to talk to you.

I miss you, every day while you are gone.

I miss you, saying this makes me miss you even more.

I miss you, even though we met just yesterday.

I miss you, even we can't reach out to each other any day.

Time is so cruel, but it makes us stronger.

Night is all I had to spend with you, a daydreamer.

I wish I could go to the other side of earth, holding your hand to put an end to our farewell.

Adam- Moon! you are the only reason I am going on with this life. I wish I could come to you and feel you.

Moon- It is not possible Adam! But this does not mean that we can never be friends. Right!?

Adam- Right.




Author's Note- Chapter 2!!!! The story is quite difficult to execute but I am still trying my best. Give loads of love to Adam. He is quite weird for the world but there are many more people like him. Try to become the moon in their life. Show them the right path and bless yourself with this good deed.

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