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From a request regards Lee and Faye been stuck in a lift together. Set around 1999 time. 

Lee frowned as the receptionist tapped away at her computer and wrinkled her nose. "Erm sorry there's no booking for that name." She said as Lee sighed and furrowed his brow deeply. "Are you sure. It might be booked under Billy Evans." He said as he often used his dad's name as a moniker when they were booking rooms. "Look we're going to head to our rooms. Lisa wants to sleep, surprisingly her and Faye got hardly any sleep last night." H said as Lisa and Faye had wanted to enjoy their final night in Paris before they flew to Madrid for some additional promo. "Oh shut up." Lisa moaned as she elbowed him, Claire rolling her eyes as the pair embarked on a playful onslaught of tapping one another.

"Look I'll wait with Lee. I've got to check in too. You go get sorted." Faye suggested spotting the rather irritated looks they were receiving from the concierge who was glowering at the five of them. "Oh wow he looks like the guy out of Home Alone 2." H said loudly.
"Yeah he does." Lisa agreed.
"You mean Tim Curry. He was in Rocky Horror too." Faye said as she started humming the time warp under her breath. H 's blue eyes widened in delight and he started to sing much to Faye and Claire's utter embarrassment. "Shut up H!" Claire hissed as Lisa meanwhile giggled and started to do the aforementioned dance. "Seriously Claire you go get in your rooms. We won't be long." Faye said as Claire nodded and suggested to Lisa and H they head up to their rooms. "Faye, I'll be at the pool if you take a while, not sure about this crazy pair." Claire said as she headed into the lift with Lisa and H, both now singing the words to Time warp. Lisa fully immersed as Magenta. "......let's do the time warp again." They cackled as Claire looked utterly embarrassed behind them.

"Hi I've got a room booked. Miss Granger." Faye said as Lee chuckled. He'd caught her on the plane reading the Harry Potter book and though he had teased her for reading what was in essence a kids book he found it somewhat endearing. "Ah yes, a double room, you're in 428 Miss." The receptionist said handing Faye a key-card. "Worst case scenario, you can sleep on the couch in mine." Faye offered as Lee sighed. "Well hopefully they can find my booking." He mused as the receptionist typed in his details once again.

"I can't believe they booked me under Millie." Lee said as Faye smothered another giggle as they waited for the elevator a good 20 minutes later. Lee's room finally been found albeit booked under the name Millie Bevan. "Stop laughing." He said with a mock scolding tone though no malice was evident as his own mouth formed into a grin. "Not a word." He continued as Faye simply giggled softly. A man attired in a business suit exited the lift and smiled at Faye. "Hi." He uttered as Faye looked down slightly. Lee in a slight annoyance put his arm round her in a somewhat possessive manner. "Sweetie, what floor is our room on again." He said loudly as Faye pursed her lip somewhat. "What are you doing?" She hissed.
Lee watched the man saunter off and dragged his and Faye's cases into the lift. "You just going to stand there?" He asked as Faye looked at him with a slight flash of anger in her eyes.
"What did you do that for?"
"You know what." She said as she begrudgingly entered the lift and Lee pressed the button for the Seventh floor. The doors closed and she folded her arms angrily.

"Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment!" Lee asked as the lift started to slowly ascent the elevator shaft. He was met with no reply. "Oh fine be like that." The lift slowly climbed the stories as Lee wrinkled his nose. He hadn't intended to annoy Faye. In fact that had been the last thing in his intentions. Suddenly the lift jolted and the lights flickered. Faye absently grabbed out for Lee's hand her anger ebbed away significantly as the lift juddered and came to an abrupt stop. "Shit." Lee said under his breath feeling Faye's small hand give his a tight squeeze. "You okay?" He asked somewhat alarmed by Faye's reaction. She was usually quite level-headed and rational, not the person who would freak out by a broken elevator.

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