Baby Steps 2

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"Are we going to try find the guy who sold the blasted potion tonight?" Faye asked as she and Lee stood watching the mini H and Claire who were happily riding the carousel both shouting and waving over at their pseudo-parents. "Well yeah, unless you fancy having 2 bandmates who need a nap mid-afternoon and whose rider demands are Haribo and Fruit Shoots." Lee said as Faye playfully elbowed him. "Hey that's not nice, I'm meant to be your fella." He contested as he slipped his arm around her waist. Faye biting her lip softly, her blue eyes flickering to the floor. Lee hesitated as he went to cup her chin pulling her face to look at him. Her blue eyes met his brown ones and they leaned slowly towards one another. The moment was ruined as a tearful Claire ran towards them. "Sweetie what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Faye said as Claire shook her head. "Ian sa...said I was a baby ...because I don...don't want to go on the haunted house." Claire sniffed as Faye scooted down and gently brushed her hand over Claire's hair. "Oh darlin' you're not a baby. Why don't you and I go and see if we can win some prizes at the stalls, Ian can go on the haunted house with Lee." Faye said having to speak somewhat slowly as it was proving difficult not to label Lee as their 'Dad' in her mind.

Tim furrowed his brow as he looked at his mobile ringing incessantly. A number he didn't recognise on it. "Hello?........Oh hi Mrs Richards, is everything okay? .... Well I don't know why she hasn't rang but I know she and the others have gone out for the day, enjoy a day off. ..... I'm sure she has simply just forgotten to ring. ... She's fine, no issues." Tim said as he held the phone slightly away from his ear as Claire's mum continued to state how Claire rang every day without fail. He knew his youngest bandmember was something of a homebody and would no doubt be wanting to check in with things each day. "Well I'll let her know you were trying to get in touch." Tim said as he heard Claire's mum state she had tried Claire's own mobile but was having no joy in getting any reply.

"I think you should be with Lee." Claire ventured as she threw a small ring in an attempt to loop it over a soft toy elephant. "Oh do you? And why's that?""Becaus...because he likes you an...and you look sweet together an...and I want to be a bridesmaid." Claire said as she wrinkled her nose slightly making Faye smile. She was so used to seeing the adult version do so when singing. "You can be a bridesmaid when I get married regardless. I don't have to be marrying Lee." She said as Claire frowned a little. "Bu...but he really does like you. Don't you like him?""Well of course I do. But I have a boyfriend." Faye said as Claire pouted. "Well why isn't he here?""He has work, we're here for a few months an...and well..." Faye trailed off slightly. True Callum had his job but he could have at least offered to come fly over for a week or so at some point. He hadn't even ventured the notion. Claire bit her lip. "I still think you and Lee would be good together." She said firmly with the no-nonsense tone of a five year old. Faye sighed but simply threw the ring towards the toy trying to not overthink Claire's words, nor the almost kiss she and Lee had shared.

"I wasn't scared. Not even of the skeleton." Ian said as he and Lee wandered back to the place where they had stated they'd meet the girls. Lee smiled as he looked to where Faye was taking a picture of Claire who was holding her prize in hands and posing for the camera. "Well that's good mate." Lee said as he held H's tiny hand in his, somewhat fearful that the small version of his bandmate would stray from his side in the crowds. "And what have you two been up to?" He said as Claire smiled. "I won a prize, well Faye did really. An...and the man said I could have a bigger prize if he got my Mummy's number. He thought Faye was my Mummy without us having to lie." She said as Lee frowned looking at Faye. "You didn't give him your number did you?""It's okay I gave a fake one." Faye said as she looked at Ian who was looking intently over at the dodgems. "Oh no Mr, I think we'll head for some dinner. You two must be hungry right.""Can I have a burger?" H asked as Claire nodded. Lee chuckled slightly. H and Claire were perhaps the least adventurous of them in trying foods.

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