cordelia goode | you said you'd never leave

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"Delia." I whispered.

"Yes my love?" she asked.

"Will you stay with me forever?"

"Of course darling. I'll always be right here." she replied.

"Thank you." I smiled, and gave Cordelia a long and passionate kiss.

She had brought me to a field that was filled with flowers. There were daffodils, poppies, lavender, chrysanthemums, anything you could think of. It was magical, and it made a certain feeling rush through my veins. A feeling I wasn't used to, and one I doubt i've felt before.

With Delia I felt happy. I felt content. I felt like I had found a purpose in life; a purpose to love, and to be loved. I wouldn't change it for the world.

We watched the sun go down and the stars come up. I was being held in Delia's arms as we laid on a blanket atop the grass. She thought of everything, and brought what she knew I liked. We had pillows, snacks, my favorite desserts, and quiet music playing.

I was resting on Delia's chest, listening to her faint heartbeats. She had one of her arms around my waist while the other stroked gently through my hair. I held onto her tightly, scared to let her go, and scared to let this feeling disappear.

"Y/n." she whispered, sitting up.

There was a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

A grin appeared on my lips.

"I'd love nothing more." I agreed happily.

Cordelia stood up, holding out her hand. I placed mine in hers and she pulled me up with her. She brought me close to her, closing the gap between our bodies. The blonde witch gave a gentle kiss to my forehead causing my cheeks to puff up with a bright smile.

She leaned back for a second and stared at me, studying my face for a while. She looked at every detail, from my eyebrows to my lips, and finally placed a kiss to them. A warm kiss, one that felt like it lasted a lifetime.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, and hers stayed on my waist. While music played in the background we started dancing, slowly and rhythmically. We moved perfectly in synch as if we'd done this a million times before. It felt like second nature.

Cordelia pulled me into a hug. She squeezed me tightly, never letting go. I rested my chin on her shoulder, inhaling her euphoric perfume that smelled of rose petals and coconut. Her hair felt soft and thick as I tangled my fingers in it.

Suddenly I started to tear up. I felt this moment would cease to exist if I let her go, or if I got distracted for even a moment.

"What's wrong darling?" she asked. She must've heard me sniffling.

"Nothing." I whispered. "I'm just afraid to let go."

Delia pulled way and cupped my face in her palms, wiping the few tears that escaped my eyes.

"I'll always be here y/n. I'm never letting you go. You're my other half." she reassured.

I pecked her lips and grinned sheepishly against them.

"Do you promise you won't leave? How am I supposed to live without you if you do?" I cried.

She moved her hands to the back of my head, holding it comfortingly. I tried to focus on the ground, not wanting her to see my pathetic face being drenched with quiet sobs.

"Look at me sweetheart." she spoke softly.

I forced myself to look at her, no matter how much it hurt to meet her eyes.

"You can feel me can't you?" she asked.

I nodded in reply.

"Then i'm as real as you think I am. And i'm right here, i'll always be right here. I'll be here at your worst and i'll be here at your best. I'm never letting you go my love."

"Okay." I whispered with a slight voice crack.

"I love you y/n." she smiled.

"I love you too Delia."

She wiped away the remainder of my tears and placed her hands back on my hips.

We danced for what felt like forever. We danced under the moonlight until we couldn't feel our legs. Fireflies flew around us, lighting up the surroundings like spotlights. It seemed as if the flowers were dancing with us aswell.

A silent breeze hit our bodies, making us shiver, which meant we held each other even closer in search of warmth. Delia ended up wrapping her coat around me as I hugged her. I giggled as she tried to button it up with me in it, which ultimately failed, but it was cute watching her struggle and get frustrated until she would let out a harsh sigh and give up. Then i'd give her a kiss to make her feel better, and she'd smile and kiss me back.

We ended up sitting back down, and turned off the music, so only the wilderness around us could be heard. Cordelia seemed to be very in tune with nature. She loved tending to her plants, and let me help her sometimes when transferring young blossoms to larger pots. She even taught me a few tricks, which took some time to master but I eventually got the hang of it.

The witch was whispering sweet nothings near my ear as I was beginning to drift off. The sun was just peeking through the horizon as my body grew tired. I held Delia close to me, cherishing every faint breath she took.

"I'll always love you y/n. Don't forget about me." she whispered.

I raised my head in question. What does she mean by that?

Tears began to fall down her cheeks. No don't cry. I thought. I began wiping her tears but they kept coming.

"Delia? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's time for you to go." she wept.


I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to crash my lips onto hers so deeply until we couldn't breathe. So I leaned in, but before I reached them I was overcome with shock.

I realized I had woken up. My eyes opened and focused to see the room around me, and it was my room. It was a dream. It was all a dream. I should've known it wasn't real. No one could ever love me like that.

But if it was all a dream why did it feel so real? How was I able to feel Cordelia, and listen to her heartbeat? And worst of all, how had I fallen so deeply in love with her? Someone that doesn't even exist..


Don't You Know I Love You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora