Back to earth

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I started falling. Where to I didn't know, I
started going at a extremely fast pace. As my former shell came off, I landed in a bed of flowers. Daisies to be exact, I looked at my hands and then looked around. I didn't know who I was or where I was. I did manage to stumble and walk, step by step it slowly became easier. 'What's the name of what I'm doing called' I thought to myself . I slowly remembered words but I had no idea who or where I was. I found a house and hid in the bushes in the backyard of the house I was looking thru. Suddenly a small blonde girl walked thru playing around with a ball. She kicked the ball in the bush but I caught it. "Small... you small..." I muttered. Holly looked confused. "Can I have my ball back?"she asked politely. I slowly crouched down and gave her the ball. Suddenly Ja man came out excited to see his daughter but his eyes widened in fear. "KARS!?" He exclaimed. " k..k...k..kars?" I asked confused and rather frightened.

"DON'T PLAY THE I DON'T REMEMBER ACT WITH ME THAT TRICK IS OLDER THAN YOU!" The man shouted. I had no idea who I was. I simply cowered in fear towards the man falling to the ground and hiding in the bush. "Kars?" The man said sounding confused. I looked out the bush petrified. I only remember words, is my name Kars? "The Kars I know isn't this wimpy of your trying to trick me it's not working" the man spoke sounding not as sure as his words were. "S..s..s..scared" I said while stuttering. "Don't you remember?" He asked. I poked my head out the bush and shook my head no. "C..c..c..cold no c..c..c..cold" I stuttered.

"It's warmer inside" the man I now know is Jospeh stated. I slowly got up fumbling while going inside. "So you really don't remember?" He asked again. I shook my head no. I was so nervous I was new to this world. "We weren't exactly friends... you tried to kill me for no reason" he stated. "I..I..I..I.. s..s..s..sorry" I apologized. "You better be!" He yelled. I cowered in fear again not wanting to anger this man. "Daddy daddy can kars stay?" The small one asked. "No holly" he shot back at the small one. Holly pouted. "Kars is nice!" Holly exclaimed. I like holly, holly nice.

Holly hugged my leg as she tried to hug my entire body. "N..n..n..need s..s..s..stay" I stuttered. "Why huh? So you can kill me, my wife, and my kid!" He yelled. "W..w..w..warm! N..n..n..need w..w..w..warm" I cried. I started crying because I didn't understand. Why was this big man yelling at me. He sucked his teeth. "If your trying to kill me it won't work!" He yelled. "Daddy?" Holly asked confused. "Go in your room holly!" He shouted at holly. "No shout at small one!" I barked back at him. "I'm trying to keep her safe from you!" He shot back. "Me no understand? Me no remember my name or who I is" I explained. "Right so you came from space and don't remember?" He asked sarcastically. "I come from space good to know!" I chirped.

He sighed rubbing his temples. "If you really wanna stay in the warm you have to prove you won't kill anybody" he said. I nodded excitedly. "Hungry.." I said. "Of course... I can't even blame you for that one" he sighed. I saw a fruit on the table and looked confused. "What that?" I asked pointing to it. "That's a fruit..." he said. I picked up the fruit. "What's fruit?" I asked. "Fruit is a type of food" he informed. I ate the fruit. "Wait a minute since when do you like peaches!" He exclaimed. "Peaches yummy" I said. "I can tell your gonna be a handful..." he sighed.

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