Chapter 23 - With this ring ('18)

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"Fuck. Cold. Cold. Cold. Is that you?"

"Sorry. I'm freezing. Hate this part of camping. I should have brought a hot water bottle with me."

"A what now?" Nicole asked, turning over, pulling Waverly into her body.

"Something to keep me warm," Waverly replied, her body desperate for any warmth it could find.

"You're looking at it. Let me know what parts you want warmed up. I've got a few in mind."

"Shush. Someone might hear. So, Nicole Haught, about last night."

"So, Waverly Earp. What about last night?"

Waverly felt Nicole's warmth, her right leg now locked over Nicole's hip, gazing into those chocolate-brown eyes. "So, about last night."

Nicole knew what she meant. "Do you Waverly Earp promise to fuck me forever?"

Waverly giggled. "No."

"What? Okay. Do you Waverly Earp promise to kiss me forever?"


Nicole pushed herself up, bringing Waverly with her who was now straddling her body. "Hmmm. Waverly Earp, do you promise not to consider any other human being as being even remotely as attractive as I am. And, therefore exclusively belonging to one Nicole Haught?"

Waverly pretended to consider the offer. "So if a good-looking alien happened to walk by. I could..."

"You most certainly could not," Nicole replied. "We're talking Universal exclusivity rights here."

"Universe. That's quite a big area to cover."

"So. Waverly Earp, what's it to be? Me, or an alien."

"I'll go with alien, please."

It was Nicole's turn to pretend, feigning a shocked look on her face. Waverly laughed, Nicole's attempt at acting being more humorous than honest. "Okay. You. I choose you. Only you."

"Thank you. For a moment I thought I would be in competition with E.T." She proceeded to mimic his phoning home, sending Waverly into a fit of giggles. Her index finger moved to her lips. "Ouch."

Waverly stopped giggling, tears welling, her love for Nicole overwhelming her. "Oh Nicole, I see you too. I see your beauty, not just on the outside, but inside too. I love you, I love you."

"Alright, alright, we know." Wynonna's voice breaking the perfect moment. "Will you two please keep the noise down. I'm dying over here."

A leisurely stroll round the festival stalls, coffees and bagels purchased at one of the vans serving breakfast, they sat in silence enjoying each other's company. Waverly took her time, the warmth of her cup thawing out her hands, wearing one of Nicole's jumpers over her own. She could smell her, smell the mix of perfume and person, never wanting to take it off. Nicole had a mischievous grin on her face, contemplating something. She had spotted a stall further back selling unusual pieces of jewellery made from antique cutlery. Only the briefest of glances, there was a delicate ring made from a teaspoon, the design perfect for Waverly's hand.

She waited for Waverly to finish, the grin still as large on her face, Waverly wondering where they were going. Stopping at the stall, the ring was still there, Nicole picking it up, looking at it carefully. "What do you think?"

"It's lovely," Waverly replied. "So, unusual. Such a pretty design."

"Try it on. See if it fits."

"Me? I thought you liked it."

"It's to mark this occasion. I'll get you a proper ring, but I want something to remind us of here."

"No, I like this one. I don't need another ring."

"Fine. If that's what you really want."

Waverly placed it on the ring finger of her right hand, turning it to study the curl of the metal enveloping her finger. She smiled, nodding in approval, Nicole purchasing the ring. "Do you want one?" Waverly asked, studying the case. "There's a similar one, look."

"I'm not much of a ring wearer. I'll get one if you want me to."

"It would be nice if we both have one. Try it on. For me."

Nicole tried on the ring. It looked equally perfect on her right hand, not wanting to admit to Waverly she would have preferred her to have placed it on her other hand. And yet, she knew she hadn't asked that question, held back from fully committing to the one person she had allowed herself to love.

Members of their group were surfacing as they returned to the campsite. Wynonna was nowhere to be seen, Chrissy explaining she'd carried on drinking in their tent. Waverly thought it best to leave her sister sleep off the good night she'd had, Chrissy saying she would look after her, make sure she got home safely. Waverly pulled her to one side, walking a little way from Nicole and the other tents, desperate to tell someone. "Nicole bought me this," her hand out. "Says she finally sees me."

"About fucking time. Nice ring. Suits you. And, everything's okay between you and her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. This is what you want. Personally, I would have held out for a big fuck off diamond."

"Oh no. This isn't. I think it's just. It's just a keepsake to remember here."

"Right. Are you sure? Only, the look on Nicole's face kind of suggests she thinks this might be something more than just a ring."

Waverly looked at Nicole, who was fiddling with her own ring, then back at the one she was wearing. "You don't think she meant..."

"Waves, you were there. Did she ask you?"

"No. Definitely didn't get the big question. Fuck, what if she thinks we are?"

"Would you, if she asked?"

"Yes. But, she didn't ask. She said she's getting me a better ring. Oh fuck, maybe she did mean it and I've messed everything up."

"Firstly, breathe," Chrissy instructed. "If she didn't actually ask you, then I think you're safe. Secondly, you might want to, oh, you know, casually check she wasn't perhaps asking you, without asking you."

"I can't. Seriously, how can I ask if she meant it as the ring?"

"It's kind of important to know, don't you think."

"Right. Yes, you're right. I need to ask her. Fuck, what if it's not?"

"Then, it's not and you can carry on wearing it on that hand."

Waverly looked over again at Nicole, who was now staring back, beginning to realise they were talking about her. Waverly smiled, a nervous smile, confirming she was definitely talking about her. As she approached, she could see Nicole had removed her own ring, waiting for Waverly to speak.

"About this ring," she began. "It's just a ring, right?"

"Sure. Just a ring."

"Only, you weren't thinking it was anything more than just a ring."

Nicole lowered her eyes, fumbling in her pocket, retrieving the ring Waverly purchased for her, placing it on her right hand again. "Just a ring. For now."

"Thank fuck for that. For a moment I thought you were asking me to marry you."

Nicole smiled. She had. She had fully intended to get down on one knee and propose, the effects of professing her love to Waverly the night before still coursing through her body. She realised the moment Waverly put the ring on her other hand, the moment was lost. She could feel Waverly's arms round her, hugging her close, her own body trying to reciprocate, her muscle's becoming tense.

Chrissy was watching, studying Nicole's face, seeing how little emotion was being expressed. Her own face carried a look of concern, worried for her dear friend, unsure of Nicole's true intentions. As her eyes remained on Nicole, she could see the glare, the anger rising, determined to continue her conversation with Waverly in private when she would ask her if she was doing the right thing. Something bothered her about Nicole, something was off, and she didn't want to see her friend hurt.

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