78 - Harry | Wasted**

Depuis le début

Her blue eyes were wide when she looked at me, and her cheeks were the cutest shade of pink. She was wearing just a tank top and her underwear, I noticed she didn't like staying dressed when she was intoxicated, she'd always take her pants off first thing.

It was adorable, in my opinion.

I was just wearing my skinny jeans and I had unbuttoned the white silk shirt I was wearing, exposing my chest entirely. And Cleo's eyes lowered to my tattoos before she looked at my face again, finally accepting the bottle as she drank some more.

"What did you say?" I asked her, watching as she placed the bottle on the floor, lighting up her cigarette right after it.

"I said you're my unicorn." She shrugged. "I was thinking about life while I was parked outside my mother's house.. and I thought about us. Like what are we? Are you my boyfriend? We haven't gone out on dates and I can't see us doing that, so I decided that you're my unicorn... we're just unique... mythical."

I tried to hide my smile but it was almost impossible, I had no control over my emotions when I was drunk, and this made me the happiest I had ever felt in my life. I could relate to her words very fucking much, I felt like there weren't words to describe what we were.

I just knew I had never felt like this before... I wanted her all to myself. I loved her, I really did. It's funny how you think you know what love is until you actually experience it.

You just know, it's the type of feeling there's no way to mistake.

"You're my unicorn too," I told her, reaching out my hand to brush my thumb on her cheekbone, and she closed her eyes as she inhaled some smoke. "I'm tired, baby."

"So am I... I've been tired for a while now." She opened her eyes again. "It feels like I've been carrying a thousand pounds on my back, just trying to push me down every fucking day. And now this with my mother... if you don't find anything in your father's office then I really don't know what we'll do."

"We'll run away." I smiled at her, grabbing the cigarette from between her lips so I could smoke a little myself. "Just pack our bags and leave."

"Okay." She chuckled, hugging her knees against her chest. "I like that."

"Good." I returned the cigarette as I looked up at the ceiling to exhale the smoke, and I could feel her intense gaze on me in the process. "Deal then."

The next thing I felt was her fingers on my hair, and I kept my head rested on the couch while she played with my curls, softly running her fingers through my hair. I looked at her and her eyebrows were furrowed, she seemed so focused on what she was doing that it was funny.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She pouted, holding the cigarette between her lips when she pulled her hands away, crossing her arms like a child. "Stop."

"You're so cute." I cackled, stretching out my legs in front of me and watching as she reached out to grab my hand this time, twisting my rings on my fingers until she decided to remove the H gold plated one.

"It's so heavy." She said, trying it on every finger, but her hand was much smaller than mine, even when she put it on her thumb it was still a bit loose.

"I'm sure you know that by now, that's why it leaves a nice visible imprint behind." I winked at her. "I could get you one your size, if you want."

She looked into my eyes again, keeping the ring on her thumb as she inhaled more smoke, never looking away from me.

"We have shit families, but if I had rings with my initials then the H could stand for Harry. Like Cleo and Harry." She said. "Fuck our last names, I honestly wish I could erase every single thing from my life involving my family."

"I agree, but sadly what we've been through is responsible for who we are now. And it's also the reason we're together now. The universe works in mysterious ways, Cleodora." I smiled at her. "We wouldn't have run into each other, fallen in love.. or had the most incredible sex ever."

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