Texting and planing

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(I'm making them the same age, right now is the summer going into junior year because plot)

(Ok this is stupid but I want you to imagine everyone else with a normal standard accent and magnus just has this strong Boston accent, I'm find this hilarious)   

  Da boyzzz🥶🥶🥵🥵
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: are you sure we're invited?
Alex🐍: for the millionth time yes
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: can you check again pls
Sam🧕🏽: magnus chill
Tj🚶🏾: I'm with magnus
Alex🐍: it's fine
Tj🚶🏾: ok
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: guys I don't know if I can even go my cousin is coming over tomorrow
Mallory🏹: are you fucking serous
Hearth💁🏼: language
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: I'm sorry I can't miss it
Half born🧔🏻‍♂️: can you bring your cousin
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: I can try
Alex🐍: you better

Magnus😁: can you come to a party, it's the only way I can go
Annie💙: when where and who
Magnus😁: Monday 69 Ifukedurmom st and a girl in my grade named Gunilla
Annie💙: fine

Da boyzzz🥶🥶🥵🥵
Beantown🧑🏼‍⚕️: she said she'll come, we'll just sneak out.

Magnus put his phone away taking a breath then internally panicking because school starts on Wednesday, "it's ok," he thought trying to calm down, he checked the time, 11:38, "time for bed."

"Hi sweetie, sleep good?" Said mrs chase to her half awake son while making eggs.
"Yeah, can My friends come over in a bit?"
"I guess," she went back to the eggs, "OH, remember Your cousins are coming over tonight so don't make a mess, the twins are staying in your room."
"Ok." Magnus mumbled barely listening to his mom.

Time skip to where all his friends are in his room
"I don't think your mom likes me." Magnus looked up from his dresser at Alex.
"My mom, no way she loves like everyone," He replied surprised by his thoughts, "why do you think that?" Magnus said turning to look at him, Alex was wearing denim shorts and a t-shirt he got from the ice cream store he worked at this summer. They all decided to get jobs, Magnus was a life guard.
"When ever I come over she always gives me these looks like she's afraid that I'll kill you or something."
"I mean you might." Alex threw one of my shirts at me.
"Why do you need our help picking out your clothes, you not five magnus," Mallory yelled while Raiding his closet, "here." She said holding up a light yellow vans t-shirt (that's what I'm wearing) and a khaki shorts. She threw them both my at me.

Time skip to the night
"Magnus!" Magnus watched as to twin boys charged at him and knocked him over hugging him.
"Need help?" Annabeth said standing over him trying to hold on her laughter as she pulled him up.
"Thanks." They all sat in the living room and started watching a random marvel movie as Magnus as Annabeth texted him the plan to Sneak out.

Just so you know I am positive i'm Natalie would've adored Alex this is just for plot.

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