73 - Zayn | Friendship

Start from the beginning

Speaking of Amber... Harry owed me big time for having me talk to her about what Louis revealed. I had to let her into my apartment and pretend I didn't want to bash my head against the wall, but it was the perfect distraction. And the most painful one.

I loved her... and I knew she loved me, despite it being the stupidest thing she could have done. But she put her job first and that was how her life was always going to be. She broke my heart and my trust, I honestly didn't think there was a way for her to get it back.

But it was good to know I was her weakness still... it could come in handy.

Telling her that other people were also starting to find out Catherine and Desmond were working together was a smart move, even though I had no idea how it could be helpful. I didn't know how this investigation worked, but it wasn't only about them.

Amber told me they had to wait and be careful because the plan was to dismantle the whole thing... from the worldwide suppliers to the traffickers. That's why it was taking them so long, it wasn't as simple as Harry hoped it could be.

And I was also doing my best to remember anything about my kidnapping... it was so fucking hard. I knew a few useless details, such as the fact there was more than one person.

I heard a man and a woman talking, that I was sure... the rest was all so fucking blurry that my brain hurt every time I tried to remember more.
Maybe I had the answer inside my head and I would never know. And whoever took me probably hit me in the head several times on purpose, and they probably knew I wouldn't be able to remember much... or else we'd all be after them by now.

"Should I stop sharing weed with you then?" I asked Cleo with a smile and she leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling as she inhaled more smoke.
I could clearly see the dark bruises around her neck now since she was wearing a tank top and jeans, obviously not minding that I was going to see it. And I just knew those were from Harry's collar he had inside that drawer of his.

No, I never let him use it on me no matter how much he asked, it was a little too much for me.

But clearly not too much for Cleo, and I was honestly a bit surprised.

I never thought she'd accept it, but those two were kinky ass motherfuckers, I should always expect the worst.

I wondered if it didn't hurt too much because it looked intense, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had a pain kink like Harry.

Cleo was also moving slowly and sitting carefully... and I knew what that meant as well. At least they were keeping themselves entertained so they wouldn't do dumb shit.

"Don't stop sharing weed, that isn't kind of you." She scoffed, looking at me again. "Did you steal this from Harry's stash?"

"No, I brought my own... it's very strong." I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck and leaning back on the couch as well. "Thought it would help you relax a little."

"Thank you, I really needed this." She furrowed her eyebrows. "It's helping my soreness... have you ever been sore for over two days? This is a first for me and I'm impressed."

Yeah, she was really high.

I noticed Cleo usually lost her boundaries and her filters, and it was funny how people reacted differently to drugs. I just smiled more and thought more... I didn't overthink though, it was kinda like my brain had more space to think about different things at the same time.

"Yes, I've been sore for over two days before." I smiled at her. "On my first time."

"You mean like... butt stuff?" She whispered as if it was a government secret.

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