“Yes!” I almost screamed, smiling.

He chuckled and pecked my lips, then said, “Good, because your mine Jessica, no one elses. All mine.”

He then pulled back and took my hand in his, leading me over to the blanket, where we laid down and he immediately pulled me into his side, wrapping his arms around my waist as I rested my head and hand against his chest.

After lying there for an hour, staring at the stars and just talking and getting to know each other better, we decided to leave. The drive back was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. As we pulled up in front of the packhouse, Zac climbed and made his way over to my side,  using werewolf speed, so he had opened the door before I could even lift my hand to do it myself. I smiled at him as he helped me out of the car and walked me to the front door.

When we stopped at the door, I turned to him and smiled and said, “Thank you so much for tonight Zac, I really enjoyed it. It was amazing.”

And before he could reply I, bravely, stepped up to him, putting one hand around his neck and the other on his shoulder and pressed my lips to his.

He immediately responded by wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance and I decided to tease him and keep my mouth shut. He growled against my lips and tightened his arms around me, pressing me impossibly closer. One of his hands then left my waist, travelling upwards, brushing against my side and continued upwards to press against the side of my breast. I gasped and he immediately plunged his tongue into my mouth, immediately dominating the kiss.

Once gentle and sweet, the kiss was now heated and filled with passion and I soon found myself pinned against the front door.  Zac placed his hand on the side of my neck and I immediately felt tingles. It wasn’t the usual tingles I felt from touching Zac, no, these kind of tingles were like a want, a need burning on my neck. I needed to fell Zac’s lips on my neck, his teeth sinking into me, marking me as his. I knew these feelings were the effects from our first kiss and I honestly never imagined it to be this strong.

All of a sudden, the door disappeared from behind me and I found myself falling backwards. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for a fall, but it never came. An arm was wrapped around my waist and I immediately knew it was Zac’s from the tingles that invaded my body. I looked up to see that while one hand was around my waist, the other was clutching the door frame, preventing him from falling as well.

After standing up and straightening myself out, I realized that whoever had opened the door was still there. I turned around to see my father standing there, shocked, amused and annoyed were the emotions written across his face.

“Uh, hey dad.” I said smiling sheepishly.

He seemed to snap out of some kind of trance then replied to me.

“Um, hey guys. Sorry to interrupt but we really need to speak to the two of you. It’s urgent.”

“Um, sure.” Zac replied looking towards me. I shrugged my shoulders, insisting that I knew nothing of what he was talking about.

My dad then gestured for us to follow him after entering the house and closing the door. We followed him to meeting room where my mom, Jared, Stacey and my dad’s beta were sitting around the large table.

My dad's beta was named John and he was really nice. He was in his early thirties and was quite good looking. He had a mate who was realy good friends with my mom and an adorable baby boy, Peter, who i often babysat.

“Before I start, you’re probably wondering why Jared and Stacey are here, no offence guys. But um, well this has to do with you Jessica and with Jared being your brother AND Jared and Stacey being future Alphas, well I thought it was important to include them in this.”

As he said this I remembered that the pack would be having a huge party this Friday, to introduce Jared and Stacey as their new Alpha and Luna.

“Anyways unto a more important situation. Like I told you guys a couple days ago, I organized a meeting with Dylan’s father-” Dylan….now that was a name I haven’t heard in a while. “-and he sends his sincerest apologies but, apparently Dylan ran away and he left this note in his bedroom, addressed to you Jessica.” My dad said as he handed me a note folded with my name written messily on the front, as if he was in a rush.

The note read…..

My beloved Jessica,

I’ll be coming for you soon, so prepare yourself. You are my mate. You are mine, whether you like it or not. You belong to me. I love you and I know you love me too, so I’m coming to get you my love, and we’ll be together forever.

Love, me.

When I had finished reading I was shaking and sweating profusely. No, this could not be happening. I thought when I left Dylan that night that that would be the last of him. I should have known. Dylan was stubborn and always got what he wants. I should’ve known he wouldn’t give up this easily.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a growl come from Zac and I realized that he had taken the paper and read it. My dad then took it from him and began reading.

I looked up at Zac and saw that his eyes were gold and held pure fury. He eyes landed on me and saw that I was still shaking, terrified. His eyes softened and he immediately pulled me into his lap, burying his head in my neck, trying to calm both of us down. He was rubbing soothing circles on my back all while I was crushed against his chest with his arms securely around me. He pulled back and looked at me and his eyes softened even more.

“Don’t cry Jess. I promise we’ll get through this. He won’t lay a finger on you.” He said as he wiped my cheeks. I reached my and touched my cheeks and sure enough they were wet with tears. I nodded and he gave me a small smile but I could tell it was forced.


Chapter eleven guys!!!

So what do you guys think of the story so far??

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Anything you would like to see happen??

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 Ali <3

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