64 - Cleo | Challenge

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He was the one who suggested we could practice a bit to take a small break. He was eager for me to teach him some fighting tips and I was a bit wary about the gun part, but being reminded of the disgusting things my parents did and my mother was still doing just made me wish I was an orphan.

My father didn't deserve to have me moping around or being so shaken up about his death. I was going to use guns again one day and fuck it. Fuck them.
"I feel so bad for Zayn, this whole thing sucks." I sighed as the automatic lights around the pool turned on when we approached, and Harry and I walked closer to the large area behind the deck chairs.

I was barefoot and feeling the grass beneath my feet was oddly soothing, I had to focus on small things like this to keep me sane. I hoped I could get some sleep tonight.

I had changed my clothes too, I was wearing leggings and one of the sports bras I'd brought from my place, and my hair was tied up in a ponytail. I had two of my knives with me too, but for now, I placed them on the floor so we could focus on the physical confrontation first.

Harry's hair was loose and he was wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants, looking just as good as always. It was fucking effortless.

"Amber was a cunt to him." Harry rolled his eyes, looking around his backyard. "I asked him if he wanted to talk but he said he needed to be alone"

"Well, sometimes we just need to think on our own. Sharing our thoughts isn't something easy to do." I shrugged, placing my hands on my hips. "Not all of us are as open as you."

"What? I just speak my mind." Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "I think people shouldn't be scared to talk about what they think. There's no point."

"Easier said than done." I chuckled under my breath, wondering if he knew how precious this trait was.
His bluntness was a blessing and a curse sometimes, it was intimidating.

"Touché." He smiled at me. "So... what do you want to do first?"

He reached for the gun tucked in the back of his sweats, carefully placing it on the floor before he walked closer to me, so it was now lying there right next to my knives.

"I'll help you." I sighed, looking up into his eyes but his gaze was shamelessly focused on my boobs.


"Sorry, you look really hot. Did you pick this on purpose to distract me?" He asked, brushing his fingers on the swell of my breasts and making me shiver instantly.

"Well, we gotta work with what we have... men are weak." I stepped away from him with a smile.

"Remember the auction? Or the time you broke into my hotel room? You're much stronger than me so I have to use some tricks... which involve distraction."

"Harder, yeah?" He said, laughing softly as his dimples indented on his cheeks. He looked so much younger when he laughed like this, it was a sound I didn't hear often.

He ran his fingers through his hair before he started to walk around me slowly, raking his eyes down my body with a predatory look... just analyzing me. Or he could be just checking me out and pretending he wasn't.

"I completely threw you off with that, didn't I?" I smiled, remembering the surprised look on his face when I said the word that was now very much used whenever we fucked.

"You did... I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't stop thinking about you." He admitted, stopping when he was right in front of me and I had to tilt my head back to meet his eyes.

He parted his lips and poked his tongue out to wet them, distracting me more than I should allow before he stepped away again.

"Nice to know I left a good impression." I cleared my throat, recomposing myself and pretending his intense gaze hadn't affected me.

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