59 - Harry | Intruder

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"Let me go, baby... since when do you care if I kill someone?" I asked her, never looking away from the man.

He seemed to be a bit younger than me, with brown hair and blue eyes. Now that the lights were illuminating him and he was out of the shadow, I could see his face clearly. And I had never seen him before.

However, his gaze was focused on Cleo, not on me.
"It's my brother, Harry." She whispered at me, and I was sure as fuck I had misheard it.

"What the fuck?" I asked her, keeping my gun pointed at him and glancing sideways at her.

Zayn was a few steps back, holding the gun and simply watching what was going on, and I knew he was just as confused as I was.

"It's Niall, my brother," Cleo repeated, squeezing my biceps slightly as she tried to lower my arm again.
"I'm sorry, but why do you think that is going to make me want to shoot him any less?" I had to ask her, which rewarded me with a deadly glare.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned to look at Niall again, and he still had his hand on his wounded shoulder, the white shirt he was wearing was all stained with blood and he was chewing the inside of his cheek, looking the most nervous a person could look.

"Put your fucking gun down," Cleo said through gritted teeth and I looked at her, raising one eyebrow.

"So he breaks into my fucking house, hides behind my tree, and I'm supposed to let him get away with it?" I asked her, still refusing to put my gun away.
She was looking deep into my eyes and she didn't budge, but I could be just as stubborn if she wanted to. Apparently, she had forgotten that his fucking name was on our board because he was a fucking suspect.

I agreed to trust her with the whole Amber situation, but this was entirely different. Why the fuck was Niall here? I bet Catherine sent him and the stupid boy followed her orders like a fucking puppy.

He was so fucking useless, though.

"You already shot him, he didn't shoot back. He's my brother, Harry, and we're not sure of anything on that fucking board!" She raised her voice. "Put. The. Gun. Down."

My jaw clenched on its own and I huffed, lowering my arm against all my instincts and turning around so I could walk closer to Zayn, leaving her alone before I could snap, since she wanted her brother to live so badly.


As if I would hesitate to shoot him if he even dared to try anything with her, I'd put a bullet in his head and call it a day, no matter if I was more distant or not.

I was actually in need to blow off some steam, all this new information we'd learned was making me hyperactive and so tense, my thoughts were restless. Killing him would be a quick distraction but good enough, I could focus on the anger I was feeling and I was sure Catherine would be upset, which was another plus.

I watched as Cleo walked closer to her brother, and my finger was still on the trigger just in case. Zayn was standing right next to me with furrowed eyebrows and I glanced sideways at him, thankful that Cleo still had her knife in the pocket of her jumper.

"That's Niall Horan? What the fuck is going on?" Zayn asked me in a low voice and I glanced at him, meeting his eyes.

"Nothing good." I sighed, and I could see Cleo was talking to Niall now, but I couldn't listen to what she was saying.

Now we knew Cleo had gotten all the brains, it was obvious that her brother wasn't as smart as she was.
Given the way she was moving her arms, she was fucking pissed. Niall wasn't pleased as well, keeping his eyebrows furrowed and pointing in my direction eventually. Great, so now he was talking about me?

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