55 - Harry | Undercover

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But how was this connected to the list? Did the FBI actually set us up? Why?

"You weren't supposed to find that," June spoke up, keeping the gun pressed on the back of my head.

"You weren't supposed to be here, but I knew you'd end up coming... I thought you'd be alone, though."
"Fucking cunt." I said under my breath, which made June hit the barrel of the gun on my face, and I felt the cut on my cheekbone because of the impact, blood started dripping down my face instantly but the pain was only giving me more motivation to be impulsive.

"Lower the fucking gun," Cleo said through gritted teeth, throwing the badge to the floor. "Amber Evans, isn't it? It says so on our badge."

"Did Catherine send you here?" June - well, Amber - asked Cleo, this time pressing the gun to my temple.
Catherine? Cleo's mother?

"What?" Cleo furrowed her eyebrows. "What does my mother have to do with this? Did you give her the list as a fucking set up? Did the FBI actually orchestrate this?"

"What list are you talking about?" Amber sounded really fucking confused, which also made me confused.

Cleo thought the same as me, but it seemed like we all had mistaken theories about each other. One thing remained the same: Amber was a fucking rat and I really hated cops...

"You pretended you didn't know me at the club... we saw you at that roadside bar the night we rescued Zayn... I'm sorry but I don't fucking believe in coincidences." I spoke up, keeping my eyes focused on Cleo's. "You're a lying bitch, just fucking tell us what you're working on."

"A Styles and a Horan working together..." Amber clicked her tongue, walking until she was standing right next to me now, keeping the gun on my head and the finger on the trigger. "I studied a lot about you... all of you. But I really thought I was going crazy when I saw you both at the club tonight... and then Mr. Styles here got jealous, which is another evidence that you're all working together, both families. There's no rivalry, is it? You fool everyone so well."

What the fuck?

It was fun that people instantly assumed that our families were suddenly the best of friends just because I was fucking Cleo. I still hated her mother and I knew she hated my father, nothing had changed except the fact I didn't hate Cleo anymore. We were dragged into this mess, that was the truth.

"You've been working on this case of yours for years... fuck, why Eroda?" Cleo furrowed her eyebrows, taking a step closer to me but Amber clicked her tongue and pressed the gun a bit harder on my temple. "This has to be related to the list."

"I don't know what list you're talking about, but this is an ongoing investigation for ten years now, and I was assigned this case six years ago," Amber said, even her voice sounded different now that she was out of character. "And yes, I look younger than my age."

"My father," Cleo whispered, and that's when I also connected the dots.

Mason had died six years ago... Amber was on a case related to him, it had to be. But why involve my family? Was it because my dad killed him?

"Mason Horan has an impressive file for a dead man," Amber said. "And your family is doing a great job at keeping it up from where he left off. But you both made my job very complicated now..."

If she killed us then it would probably make her job harder and draw unnecessary attention... and if she arrested us it'd be even worse. But dear fake June forgot who she was dealing with, she had only read our files but never seen me and Cleo in action. Fuck, we had to throw her off and take control, she could actually tell us a lot of information on Mason and maybe we could connect it to the list.

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