Regret - Captain Magnum

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Warning: A Heist With Markiplier spoilers, stop if you haven't watched it or found this ending yet.

Scenario: this happens after the Captain kills the viewer (that will be referred to as kid/kiddo) on the Golden Treasure island. in this story you're a member of the crew and you're waiting for them to come back.

My best friend suggested this, so I tried my best and wrote it. I hope you like it :)

The Captain and the new kid had been gone for a while now. You didn't think finding a treasure on an island would take this long, but maybe they just hadn't found it yet and were still looking for it.

You tried to think positively, but still, the tension in the air as you and the rest of the crew waited for their return made you feel uneasy, and deep down you knew something bad was going to happen.

"Maybe we should go look for them" one of you suggested, trying not to seem concerned.

"Don't ye worry, they'll be back in no time... At least me thinks so..." the first man said, slowly loosing confidence in his own words.

Seeing that you weren't the only one in doubt made you feel even more on edge. You tried not to think about it, but, of course, it wasn't working.

A few more minutes passed, and suddently you saw a tall, lonely figure approaching from the distance.

"Guys look!" You said, pointing at it.

Everyone suddently regained their usual cheeriness and got closer to the edge of the ship to see what was happening.

"It's the Captain!" Someone shouted.
You all smiled, happy to see him.

But, of course, the happiness in the air faded away as soon as it had arrived, because yes, he was back, but he was also alone.

And that meant...

"Wait, where's..." You said under your breath, as if saying it out loud would make your worst fear become true.

As you looked around, you could tell you were all thinking the same thing.
And it wasn't a good one.

Captain Magnum slowly walked towards the ship and as he did so time seemed to slow down.

He walked up the ramp for what felt like an eternity, and as he was finally in front of you and the rest of the crew, he opened his mouth to speak.

...But he was speechless.
He didn't know what to say.

The first mate, as if reading your mind, stepped forward "Captain... What happened? Where's the kid?"

The Captain looked away for a moment, choosing carefully his words, and turned back, his eyes moving from face to face.

He couldn't even bare looking at his crewmates.

He took a deep breath, and, trying to keep it together, said "They're gone"

You almost didn't hear him because of how low his voice was. It was basically a whisper.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I MEAN THAT THEY'RE DEAD, FUCKHOLE" he yelled, grabbing the woman that had dared to ask by the collar of her shirt.

He stared angrily at her, his breathing slowing down as he realized his mistake.

He let her go, still upset, and walked towards his cabin, pushing a few people aside to get through.

"...A-and the treasure?" A younger boy said under his breath, scared after what had just happened.

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