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Giyu pov
I woke up pretty early as the sun was just about to rise, I had woken up from a nightmare, that caused me to think of my past, that reminds me, I haven't visited Sabito's grave in a few years, same with my sister's gave I should visit their graves. But before that I need some flowers to put on their graves. I get up and decide to take a shower before I go.

After the shower, I got dressed and left my estate to a flower shop. I get to one that was near and that was open usually pretty early, I walk inside and greeted by the woman who works there, I browsed through to find two small bouquets with white roses, "what's the occasion?" The lady asked me with a smile "ah just, visiting people I haven't seen in a while" she smiles brighter and I pay her. After I've gotten fully prepared, I start heading for the cemetery where Sabito's body was buried, or at least... what was left of it

Once I'm in front of his grave I tears slide down my eyes, "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you" I uttered I placed the roses on his grave carefully, while I stayed for few minutes praying, and for a moment I thought I saw him, how delusional am I? I stand and start for my old house I used to live in with Tsutako. I buried her there since no one would believe me, and then ran away, that's exactly how I ended up in this mess, though I should make sure not disturb anyone there, there must be a new family that live there now.

I was there after a few hours, as it was pretty far from the cemetery. I see my old house up a head, it brings me so much nostalgia I remember how much fun we used to have, and then that day, I could never forget no matter how much I wanted to, there was so much blood. I am once again face to face with head grave after what felt like an eternity, I feel myself starting to cry again, and I let it happen "I'm sorry that you had to die alone, maybe if we were fast enough you could've lived" I say at a leveled voice I place the roses and pray for a few minutes, once again I get the feeling as if I saw her even for just a second, I don't understand any of this it shouldn't be possible they died, but that reminds me, Tanjro said he saw Sabito, and even interacted with him. Maybe it is possible?

No way, it's probably my imagination acting up again, I used to be able to hear their voices asking me why I couldn't save them, each time I heard them I wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night, because, it just... sounded so real, it was like they were whispering in my ear, and now I'm seeing them for split seconds. I probably shouldn't think to much in it anyways, I have to get back, I can't spend too much time dwelling on the past or I'm sure to relapse. I was interrupted by my stomach growling, it had just occurred to me, I hadn't eaten anything before I left. I might have to stay a bit over time to find something to eat.

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