The Rough Day

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Hey readers I'm back. I would really like it if you would tell me what you want to happen. I am running out of ideas. You can private message me or comment. I would really like to hear from Ya'll. Here is the chapter I have ENJOY!!!

Alan and Sadie woke up on Sunday morning at their dad's house. They could smell pancakes and bacon. They came out of their room and saw dad in a nice shirt and tie. James saw them and said...

"Good morning you two....Go get dressed for church I'm going to take you."

"You are?" Sadie asked

"Yeah do you wanna go to Sunday School too?"

"Yes, We'll go get ready."

The twins hurried and got ready and then came out and ate breakfast.

Sadie wore a pink shirt with flora pink leggings, brown ankle boots and a small white purse. Alan wore a blue shirt and a black tie with black pants and one black shoe. When they had finished eating. Sadie helped her dad clean up. After they finished they walked out the door and went to church.

When church was over they got back in the car and went out for lunch. They went to a burger place called Savannah's Burgers(hehe). They all ordered a cheese burger and a coca~cola.  

The rest of the day was spent at Alan and Sadie's dad's house. They played video games. It was about 3 in the afternoon when their decide to make some cookies...

"Hey kids wanna help me make some cookies?"

"I'd love too dad, but I can barley even stand with out these stupid crutches." Alan said pouting

Dad laughed"Alright then you can sit at the table and taste test the cookie dough." 

"I like that idea!"

James got out the pre-made cookie dough opened the package and threw the wrapper away.He brought the cookie dough to the table.The twins came to the table and started setting the cookie dough on the cookie sheet. Alan took a piece of cookie dough and put in his mouth and chewed it,swallowed it, and loved it. James did the same. Finally Sadie got her turn but her reaction was different. 

She put the cookie dough to her lips and took a big bite. Within seconds she was wheezing and couldn't breathe.

"SADIE!" Dad yelled out

"Can't----bre---ath---e." She struggled to say

"Dad what cookies are these?"

"Let me check." 

Dad ran to the trash can and took out the package and read aloud...


"Peanut....Dad she's allergic to peanuts!"

Sadie suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't breathe. James(dad) ran to his bathroom grabbed an epipen he had just in case of an emergency like this. He ran back and helped his daughter. 

While James was gone Alan said a quick prayer. 

"Dear Jesus, Please let my sister be okay I can't lose her. Please!"

After about a hour Sadie was kinda back to normal she was still super weak...but at least she was okay. 

The next day came and it was a Monday so the twins had to go to school. Sadie complained about feeling nauseous. James decided just let her stay home with him. Since he didn't work on Monday's. James had called Mrs.Brooks and asked her if she could pick up Alan and take him to school, because Sadie was sick. She agreed and picked up Alan. 

Hey readers thanks for reading. I have never had any experince with peanut allergy. So if I have anything wrong please let me know. I tried my best to resreach it, but you know the internet. Please Please PLEASE tell me in the comments or private message me(Or if you know me personally) what YOU want to happen in the story. Thanks for reading :-) 

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