43 - Cleo | Spoiled

Start from the beginning

But that's not all... there was a beautiful black velvet top, with a turtleneck and the design of a snake near the open shoulder.

He'd also picked leather pants and sweaters, more turtlenecks... and then I reached a bag that had some very unexpected contents inside.

The see-through one piece of lingerie had snakes on the front, mostly to cover my nipples but I just knew it wouldn't work much because my boobs were a bit too big for this. Maybe that's exactly why Harry bought it, he never got my sizes wrong and it was quite impressive.

There was another two-piece set, with the same black snakes over the sheer fabric, and it looked so delicate and beautiful that I'd be scared to ruin it. I also spotted black lace and one particular white bra that was just heavenly. And the thongs were very fucking small.

Apparently, we had the same tastes, that wasn't any news... but I was truly shocked by how many things he'd gotten me, and how perfect they were. Even the details of the snakes, it made my stomach flutter like crazy.

"Harry, this is amazing." I smiled, putting the bags back on the floor. "Way too much, but perfect."

"I'm glad you like it, baby." He tried to suppress a smirk, but the way his dimple indented in his cheek gave it away. He was proud of himself, as he should be.

This really was so thoughtful and it was going to be very nice to have clothes of my own again.

"Sorry I got a lot of things, I didn't have much time to pick so I bought everything I thought you'd like." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair and seeming a bit more tired. "I didn't want to leave you alone for long, how are you?"

"I took some painkillers, I'm really good." I chuckled, standing up from the couch so I could step closer to him. "What happened, Harry? Did your father say anything about Louis?"

Harry's expression changed entirely, being taken over by anger and disgust as soon as I mentioned his father. He sat down on the couch, burying his head in his hands and putting down the mask he had been using to hide how he was truly feeling this whole time.

His father was a delicate subject, I already knew that... I really hated Desmond, even before what happened. And seeing the way Harry reacted because of him only made me hate him even more, I was so confident he had something to do with the list.

"Harry?" I sat down next to him, touching his back softly but I noticed he winced slightly. Maybe his ribs were still hurting and he pretended he was alright, he always tried to put up a strong front.

"Does he know anything else about Zayn?"

"No, he doesn't fucking care." He snorted, glancing sideways at me. "I don't want to ask him for anything, he's a fucking asshole. He's already planning on replacing Zayn, as if he could be fucking replaced. He was more concerned about the letters on my neck than on the fact Louis is trying to kill me."

Fuck, I knew he was going to freak about the initials... I had a bad feeling about it, as much as I loved seeing them on Harry's neck. But walking around with it while we're literally hiding this thing between us wasn't a smart move.

"I think he's involved somehow." Harry continued. "I mean, he seemed adamant about knowing if it was you who did this or not, almost as if he was looking for you. People don't know we're working together, it'd make sense if he tried different ways of bringing us together."

"I was thinking about it today, actually... and I did some research and I thought a lot. I also think your father is a strong suspect, but we're still missing a motive. Why kill you? Why kill me and not my entire family? Why now?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "So, the only thing we have linking the targets to us, is my father's name being mentioned. We're back home, Harry. This means we can break into Mark's house and try to find a connection... and I can stop by my mother's place and snoop around my dad's office. I honestly don't know what else we can do, but I figured it was a smart idea so we don't start from scratch once we travel to find the last target. We're already in New York, it's where it all started."

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