35 - Harry | Fear

Start from the beginning

I didn't remember why I was so fucking scared though... it was like there was a part of my mind that was blocked, and I couldn't access it. Maybe I was so traumatized that I had learned how to lock it away, and the only trigger was the darkness. I wished I knew why, but confusing flashes of pieces of memories were all I could get.

A container. My mother. The lights going out.

And it would repeat over and over again, making me dig my nails into my palms until I broke the skin.

That's when I realized my hands were tied behind my back, together with someone else's.

I wasn't alone?

Just the thought of having someone with me was relieving as fuck, but it only made me more confused.

My ragged breaths were echoing around wherever I was and my hair was sticking to my neck because of the layer of sweat on my skin, but I could also smell the blood... it got stuck in my nostrils and I could feel I was still bleeding, maybe that's why I was dizzy.

The pain was the only thing as strong as my fear at the moment, I couldn't control my tears as they streamed down my face.

Sometimes I wondered if I should force myself to remember... I was too scared. It was better to not know, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I was so fucking weak.

"Harry? I'm here."

The sudden voice startled me and I managed to focus on my breaths, trying to recognize the familiar sound to assure myself I wasn't dreaming.

"We're tied up, my back is against yours. I'm here."

Cleo continued speaking, and her soft tone was very fucking comforting as she tried to explain what was going on, and it made me feel calmer somehow. "Can you feel my hand? Take deep breaths. Inhale... one, two, three.. exhale."

I had no idea how she knew exactly what I did when I felt like I was having a panic attack, but this was the first time someone else was trying to calm me and I felt her fingers brushing against mine, playing with my rings before she intertwined one of our hands.






My heart was beating at a less concerning rate, and I focused on her touch... I could smell her now, I could tell this was very much real and I wasn't dead.

My stomach was still clenching but I was much more relaxed, my muscles had been hurting even more because of how tense I was.

"Where are we?" I whispered, taking a deep breath when I finally stopped crying.

It was the second time she witnessed this side of me and I still wasn't uncomfortable... I wasn't ashamed.

"I don't know. I woke up just now, but I can smell the humidity, so I can tell it's a small room... all concrete." She whispered back. "I'm hurt. My shoulder is dislocated and I have an ugly cut on my forehead, I can feel it's still bleeding. How are you?"

"My body hurts... I broke a few ribs and my shoulder was shot. I'm bleeding too." I shook my head, trying to get my hair off my face. "We crashed."

"We did, I thought you didn't have your seatbelts on but I didn't have time to warn you." Her voice sounded much more serious now. "I'm sorry, I should've paid more attention-"

"Stop, they shot the tires. It wasn't your fault." I furrowed my eyebrows, this time trying to move my feet and realizing they were also tied up.

Fuck, we needed to get out of here and take care of our wounds.

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