stage one; denial.

12 2 1

they stared at him, his bloodshot eyes, his foot tapping the ground continuously, his hand holding a pen, of which he was chewing on, trying to relieve stress.

osamu looked at the man, and felt immediate sorrow.

"suna, are you doing alright?" the teacher asked from across the classroom.

"yeah, just had a rough night."

"alright, well, try your best to listen to the lesson."

suna let out a quiet sigh and looked back down at his notes he had taken so far, they were sloppy and he could barely read it.

he looked over at osamu, and saw osamus eyes already looking at him.

osamu quickly looked back down, fighting the embarrassment of the conversation they had the other night.

the conversation of which consisted of many, "it'll be alrights," and "i don't know what i did!"

osamu knew he could've done more to help, but with what was going on, he knew suna wouldn't have taken it literally.

osamu jumps as he feels a piece of paper thrown at him.

he looks over at suna and mouths a "fuck you." as suna stares at him giggling.

grabbing the piece of uneatly folded paper, he unwrinkled it and read what it had to say.

"i know your thinking that you could've done more, how about i come over to your house later today and we can talk about it, k?"

osamu quickly grabbed his pencil, trying his best to be discreet about it.

he wrote a simple "alright," on the piece of paper, handing it back to suna in a fashionable way.

suna looks at the note, giving a nod back over to osamu.

it wasn't the fact that suna had really wanted to go to osamus, though he was his best friend, they don't need to see eachother 24/7.

suna had just known that osamu was overthinking everything, thinking he could've done more.

what osamu doesn't know, is that suna really appreciates what he's doing.

while it may not be the most helpful and accurate facts, it is getting him around better.

suna jolts in his seat, when he hears the bell ring.

he can see osamu snicker in the corner of his eye.

"alright! it's the end of the day, you all should remember our project is due next tuesday! see you next week!" the teacher spoke.

standing up, suna almost falls over, getting super dizzy.

osamu is quick to catch him, grabbing his bag aswell.

"you should really stop drinking when your upset, rin."

"don't tell me what to do," suna says, slurring his words, of which now causing a headache.

"fucking god." he whispers under his breath.

"alright, let's get you to mine, and you can explain."

giving a light punch to osamus side, suna stumbles over to the door, opening it for osamu.

"you boys have a nice day!" the teacher exclaims.

"you too!" osamu responds.

waking out of the schools exit, they both walk silently looking at the ground.

suna speaks up,

"so, uh, i know i've said this many times, but you shouldn't be mad at me for this whole thing, i didn't do anything in the first place, and that stupid jess girl is annoying," he says, mumbling the last part.

"well i'm not mad at you,"

"so then why are you even letting me come to your place?"

"cause we need to talk about something, more over the fact that i'm quite upset about what you've had to say about yourself."

"please do tell me what was said,"

"well, from the top, you started off your rant of 'i didn't do anything,' and 'i'm such a terrible person.' those two things, make zero sense together. you make zero sense and when you try to you just make it seem like you hate yourself!"

osamu questions suna more than he really needs to, but suna obliges and goes along with what osamu is doing.

"i'm not even in the wrong here," suna says.

"well you obviously are if you have the courage to say yes to all of my questions!" osamu responds.

suna sighs as he nears osamus door.

"ladies first," suna smirks.

osamu giving an eye roll over to suna, walks into his house.

"rin, you're an asshole."

"and yet you deal with it everyday," he closes the door and takes his shoes off, walking onto the cold hardwood floors.

"tsumu's at the gym practicing with aran, so we've got the place to ourselves."


i apologize for the long wait!! i've been kinda busy with volleyball and traveling, but here's a chapter for you all! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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