Chapter 2: Finding Something Fun

Start from the beginning

While Hajime was contemplating on what to buy, he didn't realize he bumped into someone, causing her to fall.

"Hey!" The girl said as she fell.

"Hm?" Hajime went out of his thoughts as he looked down towards the voice.

"Could you watch where you are going?!" The girl said in annoyance, holding her hand to her lightly red head from bumping into Hajime.

"Ah, apologies." Hajime said extending his hand to the girl, flinching.

Hajime smirked, "Don't worry. I won't bite~."

The girl fumed as she grabbed Hajime's hand and slowly pulled herself from the ground.

"Well then. See you later." Hajime said as he began to walk past her.

However, he was interrupted as he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hold on a moment!" The girl said from behind.

"Huh?" Hajime opened his tired/bored eyes, as he turned around and faced her.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" The girl huffed as she crossed her hands.

Hajime raised his eyebrow, "...What?"

Speaking of, now that he payed attention to the girl, she was actually pretty cute. The girl had blue eyes and long brown hair that is braided at the ends on either side and reaching past her waist. Her clothes were a white blouse with a large red ribbon on her left head, with a navy blue business skirt and brown heels, giving off a "ojou-sama" vibe despite looking around his age group (Guess who~).

"Well, you ARE the one who bumped into me, so you should properly apologize." The girl said in annoyance. 

Hajime internally smirked, 'So she is one of THOSE types huh?'

His smirk became external, as he spoke, "Heh, shouldn't you be the one apologizing? After all, I was walking pretty slowly. If you really fell back this much, then you were running right? So shouldn't you be the one apologizing?"

The girl showed slight traces of shock. It seems that she didn't meet someone like him before. However, the shock was immediately replaced with a pout, before she began to speak again. "I don't like to repeat what I said, Mr. Middle School Student with Mean Looking Eyes."

Despite the insult, Hajime's smirk didn't leave one bit. If anything, it became even wider than before.

"Well, then at least answer me this. 'Why did you run into me~? Like I said before, YOU were the one running, while I was walking."

"Hmph! I was in a hurry okay?! That's why I hit your head. But you should have watched out as well."

The girl did have a point. Hajime wasn't looking where he was going, and considering his physical aspects, he could have easily avoided the girl. Right now, the most logical decision is to agree with her and apologize. 

However, the key word here is "logical".

Hajime was NOT going to do that. After all, something interesting was finally happening right in front of him. So why should he end the conversation now?

Hajime instead snickered, "You are in a hurry? Why so? Is that an excuse you expect me to believe?"

The girl simply crossed her hands, "Whether you believe it or not, I am in a hurry. And speaking of, since I'm late, I'll get going, with or without your apologies."

The girl said before turning and walking.

"Hm? You can go if you like... but does this mean I can keep this?"

The girl turned towards Hajime and widened her eyes. In his hand was one of her red ribbons. She touched her head, realizing that the ribbon on her right side of the head was missing.

The girl looked towards Hajime and extended her hand to grab the ribbon.

"Give it back!" She shouted. Hajime simply smirked as he pulled his hand and body away from her, avoiding her grasp.

"Turn around." Hajime said as the girl raised her eyebrow.


"Just turn around." The girl sighed, as she reluctantly listed to Hajime. She turned her back to Hajime, forgetting about the ribbon for now.

Hajime gently held the ribbon to her right head, and slowly tied it into a bow. He slowly pulled back, seeing the red bow he made was the same as the other bow on the left side of her head.

"All done!" Hajime said as the girl turned around and felt the ribbon on her head.

"Sadly, I guess this means it's over. This was really fun~. But I have to go and grab some lunch, little miss. Hajime said as he turned around to leave.

But before he can start walking, he heard the girl calling behind him.

"Hmph! I should thank you for braiding my ribbon. However, you shouldn't address me as "little miss". My name is Kudou Asuka. Remember that from now on. Speaking of, what is your name, Mr. Savage and dangerous looking guy?"

"Heh, I am just simply repaying my debt from bumping into you. And I thank you for calling me as such~. I am just as the appearance suggests. Dangerous, unrefined and the name is Yato Hajime. I am also a crude, vicious and a hopeless hedonist. Basically I am the worst type of person there is, so I recommend reading all the warning labels before taking that attitude. Play with fire and you will get burned, Ojou-sama~." Hajime smirked.

The girl now known as Asuka glared at Hajime. "I will think about it if you write down all those warning labels in a manual for me."

Hajime laughed cheerfully, "Seriously? I'll write something for you if we meet again. So you better prepare~."

He then pulled something out of his pocket and threw it at her. 

"Here." Hajime said as Asuka grabbed the thing coming towards her, revealing a stuffed panda bear he won from the Arcade.

"Well, that was fun. See you later. Oh, and didn't you mention that you have somewhere to be right now?" Hajime smirked as Asuka's eyes widen.

"Y-Yeah! Goodbye!" Asuka quickly said before turning to leave.

"...I hope we meet again. And thanks for the teddy bear." Asuka said as she began to run.

Hajime then turned to Joseph's, deciding to just eat there. But not before hearing something VERY fun.


Hajime snickered at the painful cry which spread the area. He could bring her to her destination, but that would raise unnecessary questions and would be troublesome. So he decided to just ignore it.


So... that was fun!

I was kind of stuck on what to do, but then I thought, "Hey! Why don't I include Asuka here?" This is more of a Filler Chapter, hence why it is actually quite short.

Note: This scenario was borrowed from another writer known as SecretArtLotus so quick shoutout to him. I am BAD at writing introductions, so this will have to settle for now.

Oh, and quick Disclaimer. For people saying Touma is very OOC, or perhaps close to an OC, well... THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!

Also, while Touma/Hajime is VERY strong, the enemies will also be TREMENDOUSLY powerful as well.

That's all I want to say, and see you guys in Chapter 3!

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