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Virginia, 2014

Will knew something wasn't right. JJ had her crazy schedules and, sometimes, she would tell him she wouldn't be picking up Henry only fifteen minutes before the agreed time. It drove Will insane most of the times, but, in a way, he understood why it happened. JJ was a FBI agent, she was part of the most renowned team at the bureau, she saved lives for a living and sometimes Will did feel selfish about expecting her to be more present, but he knew better than to ask her to try and stay in D.C. more often. She would refuse it - he learned that the wrong way. She'd say that was her job and that was what she loved to do and that was what she needed to be doing. And, as much as he understood, as much as he admired her for that and for the fact that she was still the most doting and caring mother he could have ever asked for their son, it still drove him insane.

He hated when she cancelled her plans with Henry because of work because the six-years-old was always so excited to see mommy, but, that day, that wasn't what was happening. That day, something else was going on and Will didn't like it at all. Because, yes, JJ often cancelled her plans with Henry, but she never - never - did it without letting Will know first. He would always get a message when it happened. They were usually short and quick, just to let him know. Child abduction in Ohio, sorry, send Henry my love or Bodies found in L.A., have to go. Give Henry a kiss for me but this time... This time there was nothing.


His son's voice snapped Will from his own thoughts and he turned around to see his boy standing in front of him on the couch. In spite of his worries, Will smiled. He always did whenever he looked at Henry. He had his mother's blonde hair and bright blue eyes, but he resembled Will a little too - everyone used to say they had the exact same nose and, with each passing year, Will could honestly say now that he agreed. His son reminded him of JJ more often than not, but Will didn't care. He loved his boy. He loved his boy with all his heart and, whether he was with his mom or not, he would love him forever. So, as Henry stood there with his small backpack and his long fringe that he refused to cut falling over his eyes, Will smiled at him.

"Yeah, buddy?" He asked, and, as much as he knew what Henry was about to ask, he let the boy vocalize his thoughts anyway.

"Where's mommy?"

Will sighed then. Because, damn if he didn't wish he knew the answer to that. It was already 9:15. JJ was supposed to be there to pick Henry up fifteen minutes ago. But she wasn't. And JJ was never late to pick up Henry. In fact, she was usually a little earlier which had resulted in a few awkward encounters between her and Will as Henry rushed around the house to pick up everything he wanted to take with him to his mom's house for the weekend. But, that day, she wasn't there. She was late. And she wasn't answering her phone. He had called her five times already and sent her close to twenty texts, but he had received nothing in response. JJ was never late to pick up Henry and she never let Will unanswered. Even when they were in the rockiest phase of their relationship, if he asked her where she was, she would answer. Because she knew the nature of her job and she would never want Will - or Henry - worrying for her when they didn't need to.

So she always answered. And she was never late.

"If anything ever happens to me, you go and talk to Hotch, okay?" JJ had told Will once, almost six years before when they first started getting serious about their relationship. "Don't wait too long, just go and talk to Hotch."

He waited fifteen minutes already - well, sixteen now - so Will thought this was enough already. Shooting JJ one last hopeful text, Will stood up from the couch and picked up Henry in his arms.

"Mommy is running a little late today, buddy." He said, noticing the way Henry's face fell a little. JJ had promised to take him to his favorite ice cream place that day after lunch. Henry wouldn't stop talking about that at all, ever since JJ said it three days before, so Will knew the boy was disappointed. "But you and I are gonna go out a little, okay?"

The bird's opening - Criminal Minds - JJHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin