Chapter 3

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They had arrived at the palace and Toph was escorted to the throne room

King Adwin said" Ahhhh finally the princess of the earth kingdom,so good of you to agree to the marriage"

Toph laughed and said"I did not agree to the marriage proposal because I don't want to marry your dum son , prince of the air nation prince Aang because he looks like he has to marry a girl from the water tribe to me , which would make alot more sense, don't you agree Aang?

Aang said with confusion "uhhhhh yes... I guess"

Toph said"see your son agrees with me , then why did you choose me instead of Meng or Star they are princess too you know?!?"

King Adwin said angrily" you will get married to my son whether you like or not ... the wedding will be in two weeks"

Both Toph and Aang shouted at the time saying"what!!!!????!!!

King Adwin said" please escort her to the room next to Aang's room"

The guard said" yes your highness"

In toph's room....
Toph is crying
Toph and tears don't go together Aang knocked on toph's door

Toph said"what do you want Aang" Aang said"I just wanted to... wait how did you know it me

Toph sighed and said"come in "
Aang came in and saw her crying

Aang said"where you crying"
Toph said" no I am crying"
Aang said " why are you crying"
Toph said sarcastically"Oh I wonder why?!?!
Aang said"sorry 😔😔 😔 you were forced to get married to me I didn't want to get married either, I wanted to marry Katara"

Toph said"why do you want to get married to sugar queen, she's 2 years older than you"
Aang said"I know but...wait how did you know that she's 2 years older than me"
Toph said" she's my friend but she had to get married to Zuko crown prince of the fire nation"

Aang said sadly" yeah and he's 2 years older than her"
Toph said" it's appropriate she's 24 years old and he's 26 years old , so it can work out than a 24 year old girl and 22 year old boy

Aang asked"huh whatever any what's your name?
Toph asked" you don't know my name?
Aang said" nope"
Toph said"Toph "
Aang said"nice name Toph"
Toph shouted"whatever now get out of my room"

Aang left toph's room...

Taang foreverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon