'ATTACK ON MUGGLE TOWN! FIVE MUGGLEBORNS KILLED!' Harry immediately looked over to Lily who was shaking as Severus held onto her.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back," he muttered to Sirius before he ran over to Lily. James watched with a sense of jealously but pushed it down. Sirius however, felt himself clench his fist at the sudden dismissal.

Harry rushed over to the odd pair at the Slytherins and sat down next to them.

"Hey Lily, you doing okay?" he asked softly. Before Lily could reply Severus snapped at him.

"What do you think?!" he sniped harshly. Harry however wasn't fazed. Lily glared at Severus before replying.

"I'm okay, just a bit worried. What if they attack my home?" she replied softly, her eyes full of concern. Harry's eyes softened. He thought for a moment before replying. He gave her a small side hug.

"Hey, I know Gringotts offers warding of homes, though it is a tad pricey. You should speak to your parents if you are worried about it," he told her. Lily seemed to think about it before giving a small smile.

"Thanks, Harry. I'll send them a letter." Harry gave a satisfied nod. He then stood up to walk away.

"Hey, I'm sorry I snapped at you," Severus muttered before he left. Harry turned surprised but just smiled.

"It's fine, I know you are worried too. You do live close together after all. I'll sit with you guys at lunch," he said before returning to the Gryffindor table. Severus froze while Lily was gaping at Severus.

"Sev, did you just apologize?!" Lily exclaimed. Severus away from his crush with a hint of blush.

"It wasn't that big of a deal. I shouldn't have snapped at him," he mumbled under his breath. Lily however just smiled brightly.

"I'm proud of you Sev," she told him warmly. Severus just continued his meal though pleased, forgetting momentarily about just how Harry knew they lived close together when they never told him. Lily didn't seem to catch it though.

"What was that about?" James asked worriedly. While Lily didn't forcefully try to push him away and avoid him thanks to Harry's advice, they were still not on regular speaking terms.

"Lily is worried that they will attack her area too. I told her to talk to Gringotts for some warding," he told them. James and Sirius nodded in understanding. As two purebloods from high regarded houses they knew how important strong warding was.

"Good idea, I sure hope this death eater business dies soon. It's starting to become a real hassle," James complained. Sirius scowled but didn't say anything. Harry understood why; older Sirius told him a lot about his family. His family wholeheartedly supported the death eaters and would expect him to join after he graduated. Enough to make him run away... Harry put a hand on his shoulder, not noticing the way Sirius's breath caught.

"Hey, it'll get better," he reassured with a smile. Sirius stared at him strangely for a moment.

"I don't know what you mean," he stated warily. Harry just smiled.

"I'm sure you do," he replied mysteriously before turning to James. Soon enough, it was time to go to class. Sirius desperately tried to ignore the fuzzy feeling he felt as he watched Harry laugh at something.


It had been a while since the last horcrux was destroyed. Harry enjoyed this time just being a student, getting to know everyone that was taken from him too soon. Harry loved getting to know his parents and tried his hardest to help Severus and Peter. However, nothing compared to how close he was with Remus. In a way, Remus filled a sort of older brother role for him. He quite regretted not getting closer with him last time. Whenever things got hard, the polite werewolf was always there, allowing him a shoulder to cry on. In turn, Harry would watch over Remus, taking care of him during transformations and convincing him he isn't a monster. It was rare in the Gryffindor common room to not see the two together, today being an exception.

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