New year new me!

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I should've just stayed in Lincoln High school, and lived with my dad, but I chose my mom instead. Living here, i didn't think I could be happy here, but I was so wrong...

My name is Annie Leohardt, I'm 14, in my freshman year. This is were my story begins, on January 2nd, 2015. But before I begin, let me tell you why I'm here. On December 25th, 2014, my mom came to visit for Christmas. My dads relationship with her, was demolished three years ago, and they had a divorce. Ever since then Ive been living with my dad. But she came to give me a choice, to live with her and be able to see my father every December, or to live my my dad, and never see her again. Of course, looking at the situation, I picked the most fortunate choice, and moved to Japan with my mom. Lets begin our story now.


"O.k.! Now that we're here, I'll start cooking dinner, and you can put your boxes in your room." I nodded slowly, and headed to the back of the truck. Four boxes lay strapped to the back. Four boxes. At my age, usually, a girl would have eight or ten. But I wasn't a girly girl who packed every piece of her expensive clothing, and I wasn't a tom boy who,packed all of her sports equipment into nine boxes. Ive always been different. I don't HAVE a personality, i never fit in. No one talks to me. I don't talk to anyone. That's how it was is my old school, and that's how it'll be in my new school. The same. Im certain. I picked up the four boxes and carried them up the stairs. *yawn* I flopped on my bed. A new school. Sure, thats what i need, another excuse to try and be some one. Tomorrow, it'll happen. It'll be Lincoln High all over again. But still, I wonder how SNK will be so different... Huh. I, already falling asleep. Good start...


EREN YAEGER- 15, freshman, dark brown hair, blue eyes. B.F.F.: Armin Alert. Enemy: Jean Kirstein
MIKASA ACKERMAN- 14, freshman, black hair, gray eyes. B.F.F.: no one. Un-officially the adopted sister of Eren. Enemy: Annie Leohartd
ARMIN ALERT- 15, freshmen, blonde hair, blue eyes. B.F.F.: Eren Yaeger.
REINER BRAUN- 16, soft-more, blonde hair, black eyes. B.F.F.: Bertolt Hoover
CHRISTINA RENZ- 14, freshmen, blonde hair, blue eyes. B.F.F.: Ymir
ANNIE LEOHARDT- 14, freshmen, blonde hair, blue-gray eyes. No B.F.F.
CONY RICHARDS- 15, freshman, black buzz cut hair, black grey eyes. No B.F.F.
PETRA BOLT- 14, freshmen, ginger, blue eyes. Not best friends with him, but good friends with Levi Ackerman.
RIVALLE ACKERMAN (A.K.A. LEVI)- 16, soft-more, black hair, black grey eyes. B.F.F.: NO ONE
SASHA BRAUNT- 15, freshmen, light brown hair, blue eyes, B.F.F.: Potato and Connie lol
HANJI ZOE- 15, soft-more, umber brown hair, dark brown eyes, B.F.F.: Levi
YMIR- 16, soft-more, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. B.F.F.: Christina
JEAN KIRTSTEIN- 16, freshmen, light brown hair, black eyes. B.F.F.: Marco Bott
MARCO BOTT- 15, freshmen, black hair, black eyes, B.F.F.: Jean Kristein
ERWIN SMITH- 16, soft-more, blonde hair, black eyes, B.F.F.: No one.
BERTOLT HOOVER- 16, soft-more, black hair, black eyes, B.F.F.: Reiner.

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