13. Finding the leaders

Start from the beginning

"Where's Hashimoto?" 

"He's mourning.... just let him be for the time being."

"Sure I guess."

I'm interested in learning more about that topic. I'll ask Hashimoto about that later.

"Did you guys found any information when you visited the other classes base camp?"

"Yeah, the leader of Class D."

"Oh nice- Wait What!?" Nishi shouted shocked by my words.

"S-Sorry, Sorry hehe." She said apologizing to our classmates who thought something happened.

"Is it Ryuuen?" Kamuro asked me.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked her. Did she also notice the transceiver he had near him and connected the dots?

"Well Ryuuen was the only Class D student you talked to." Kamuro replied.

Looks like I hoped for a bit too much...

Well still at least her guess was right.

I then proceeded to explain to them about how I noticed the transceiver he had and that he will be staying on the island till the end.

"Wow it's so cool that you were able to figure all that out just because of his small mistake." Nishi praised me.

"Well that's 50 points for us."

"Should we tell Katsuragi about it?" Motodoi asked me.

"Not yet. I'll tell him on the past day of the exam."

There's no point in telling Katsuragi about that right now. If I told Katsuragi about it right now and Ryuuen ends up retiring before the exam ends the blame of guessing the leader wrong would be all on me.

"You guys are comfortable here?" I ask them 

"Yeah, it's at least better than sitting in the ground directly."

"I see."

"Who are you guys!? What class are you from!?" I heard a loud voice come from near the entrance of the cave we were sitting in. 

Since we had covered the entrance of the cave with several vinyl sheets joined together into one giant tarp, so that no one from the outside an see inside the cave, I decided to exit the cave to see who had arrived here.

"We came to snoop. You have a problem?" I heard the voice from outside. It certainly didn't make me happy.

"And what if I do?" I said as I came out of the cave. "Is there anything someone like you can do about it?" 

As soon as she heard my voice Horikita flinched. She was still accompanied by Kushida who waved at me from behind her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Horikita said while glaring at me. 

"Exactly what I said. If I have a problem with you snooping around in my class's base, is there anything you can do about it?" I glared back at her as I said my words. The originally fearless Horikita was now trembling where she stood. 

I looked around to see if a particular person was waiting nearby or not. Then I got closer to Horikita and started whispering something in her ear.

"I pity Manabu, for he had to see the pitiful face of such a disgraceful sister more than half his life." 

As I said those words Horikita snapped and rushed at me, trying to punch me in my stomach. I intentionally let her hit me and fell to the ground. Horikita then continued to punch me several times before being stopped by Mashima sensei.

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