13. Finding the leaders

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Kiyo POV

After leaving the Class D base camp I along with Kamuro arrived at the cave.

Some of my classmates had gone in the jungles in the groups, in search of resources which can help minimize the use of our points.

On the first day we had decided to purchase 2 tents, a shower, a toilet, drinking water and nutritional food set for the whole class.

This morning we had purchased another food set and drinking water.

The food and drinking water normally cost six points per individual unit, but as a set it only cost ten points. Ten points per meal eaten twice a day came to a daily loss of twenty points.

The two additional tents we bought cost us 20 points and same goes for the toilet and the shower.

We have currently spent 80 points which were all reasonable.

{ 20 points for food and water. 20 points for additional tents. 20 points for the toilet. 20 points for the shower. }

If we buy the food set once again today and twice everyday for the next 5 days, it'll cost us 110 points.

If we manage to put up with it on the last day and skip a meal, then the deduction would equal 100 points.

Considering we have 3 spots in possession i.e the Cave, the hut and the tower we are able to receive 9 bonus points daily by occupying them.

We received 3 bonus points yesterday and 3 this morning. We will receive 6 more points today by occupying the 3 spots.

If we are able to keep on occupying the spots till the end of the exam we will receive 45 more bonus points for the next 5 days.

That brings it to a total of 58 bonus points.

We also got some fishing rods from the hut which we can use to catch fishes from the nearby river.

For every time we manage to find food or water to make it through the day, we can adjust our calculations and save more points.

All that aside in around 30 minutes, Yahiko and the group assigned for him to go along with to capture the spots would be leaving. I decided to slip the leader's card in Yahiko's pocket just as I was about to walk past him.

That went smoother than I'd expected...

Mainly because Yahiko is being a little more carefree around his classmates.

After renewing the cave Yahiko along with the others acting as his cover went in a group to renew the other 2 spots.

The ones gone along with Yahiko are all members of  Katsuragi faction. Katsuragi himself decided to go along with them to make sure that no one is able to find the leader of Class A. 

They should be arriving soon... 

"Ayanokoji-Kun!" A voice called out to me. It was Nishi who was holding a disposable lunch box, waving at me. Sitting beside her were Motodoi and Kamuro.

They were sitting on some leaves which they were using for cushioning. The inside of the cave has been properly reinforced and even the ground inside is not nearly as rough as compared to outside.

Even so the ground being ground was still hard so by piling up some leaves they were able to make it comfortable to sit on.

"Here, you didn't have breakfast yet right? We saved your share." She said with a smile as she handed me the box. 

"Thank you." I replied and sat on another pile of leaves they'd prepared for me. I have some really caring classmates.

There was one pile for Hashimoto too but he was not here.

ScaryKouji [Discontinued] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ