Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

An hour later I found myself racing through Wal-Mart, attempting to buy some suitable clothes for Lenny. It was Sunday, and the store closed at six. I did not have much time.

I guessed at the sizes and just grabbed some stuff. I threw some jeans in various sizes into the cart, and then found some t-shirts and underwear. He’d need some shoes, again I guessed at the size, and some socks. I was out of the store in less than thirty minutes. I was feeling rather guilty for leaving Lenny alone, and I was anxious to get home.

Lenny was in the bathroom with the door shut.

“Lenny, I bought some clothes for you. I think some of these things should fit.”  The door opened a crack, and he poked his little head out. “Come on out; lets see how I did.” He stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his body, and shuffled into the dining room. He was even smaller than I’d thought. “Jesus, Lenny. Look at you,” I marveled.

“What are we going to do?” Lenny moaned pathetically as he gazed up at me. “I’m so little…”

I took a deep breath. It was obvious that I was going to have to take control of this situation. “We’re going to have to take this one step at a time, honey. First, let’s get you dressed.” I knelt down next to him and reached for the towel. He’d wrapped it tightly around himself, just under his arms.

“No, I don’t want you to see me!”  He protested, pulling away. “I can do it myself.”

“Don’t be silly, Lenny. It’s no big deal.” I tugged at the towel, and it fell away, leaving Lenny standing before me completely naked. Instinctively, he used his hands to cover himself.

He was a handsome little boy, the kind of child that I’d hoped to have if I ever had a kid. His skin was absolutely flawless. I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around; inspecting his little body from both sides. “I think most of these things are going to be too big,” I remark, reaching into the bags to retrieve the clothes, “but let’s see what we have.”

Twenty minutes later, little Leon was fully dressed. Most of the clothes were much too big, but the smallest pair of jeans was passable, and he had three sets of tiny blue briefs that, although too large, were better than nothing. It was so cute when he put on the briefs; he asked me to turn my head! The smallest t-shirt that I’d bought was ridiculously huge; he seemed to drown in it.

“I don’t know how I could have been so wrong about the sizes,” I apologized. Lenny was curled up in a corner of the couch, his knees to his chest. He was deep in thought.” You seemed bigger before,” I said, more to myself than to Lenny.

His eyes got big. “You don’t think I’m getting any smaller, do you?” The idea that Lenny was still getting younger never occurred to me.

“There’s one way to find out,” I replied, snatching a pencil. “Let’s take a measurement.” He stood, back arched, against the doorframe of the kitchen, and I marked his height. I couldn’t help but notice that the top of his head was considerably lower than my waist. I was startled by a loud knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole of the door. Two rather impatient looking police officers were standing on the other side.

“Who’s there?” I asked.

“It’s the San Antonio Police Department,” they called through the door. “We need to speak with Mary Jordan.”  Lenny’s eyes got huge, and he scampered into the bedroom as I opened the door.

They flashed their badges, and I let them in. Very quickly I figured out that Lenny hadn’t been completely honest with me regarding his troubles with the law. He was wanted for aggravated armed robbery, apparently beating and robbing a convenience store clerk a week ago. Yes, I was with him last night. No, I didn’t know where he was staying. Of course, you can have a look around.

They cautiously walked through my apartment, opening each closet, even looking under the bed. Both of the officers had their guns out of their holsters and pointed toward the door. I wasn’t sure where Lenny was hiding, but he was doing a very good job.

No, I don't have his phone number. Of course, I’ll call you if he shows up. Yes, if he contacts me, I’ll tell him that it would be better if he’d turn himself in. You have my complete cooperation. Thank you. Have a nice evening.

So many things were happening at once, my head was spinning. There was one thing that I sure of; Lenny had lied to me, and I was very angry. Where was he hiding? I took a second look in the bedroom closet. He wasn’t there. I glanced under the bed; nothing there. Of course! The cedar chest at the foot of my bed! It was much too small to hide conceal a man, but there was plenty of room for little Lenny.

I opened the top, and sure enough, he was curled up inside. His eyes were wide open; he almost seemed to be waiting for my reaction.

“Get up,” I ordered.

“I didn’t really hurt her,” he protested, as he struggled to climb out of the chest. “I just slapped her around a little because she was stalling. I really needed the cash Mary."

I helped Lenny by picking him up under his arms and depositing him on the floor. I was amazed at how light he was. On impulse, before I let him go, I slapped his backside three times. I’m sure it didn’t hurt, but by the look on his face, it certainly got his attention.

“Lenny, you’ve been VERY bad.”

The WickedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora