Chapter 4......Take 2 on new begginigns

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It was really hard for me to tell Simon that I'm leaving but I told him I would come every morning and he can call me whenever he needs help.

I also managed to get some shopping done and Harrison obviously came insting to buy me everything.

I was dressed in these nice grey work pants which was making my ass look really faltering. ;) and this black silk top with spaghetti straps and a v cut with lace outlining the cut of the top on my chest. I put my knee length black leather coat jacket thingo on and some shiny balck heals. My hair was curled in beach waves with my reading glasses on my head.

I saw Hazs car pull up and I made my way too it.

"Holy shit don't you look good for someone's first day" Haz always hypes me up. I love it.

"Well I can say thank you to a certain someone who helped me look like this." I give him a smirk before jumping into the passenger side of his car.

We stop by the cafe and I walked greeting Simon with a cheerful smile.

"Well dosnt someone look professional on her first day"

"God Simon I am going to miss you and your constant shower of compliments"

"I'm just going to miss you in general"

"I'm gonna miss you too"

"Let me guess, iced chocolate with soy milk and a shot of espresso coffee. Oh and extras chocolate." He laughs and so do I

"Oh you know me too well Simon"

Walking into the building gave me nerves but it was ok because I had Haz by my side.

We arrived at the top floor and I follow Haz like a lost puppy. But lookin badass obviously.

"Now I probably should have mentioned this earlier but you are going to be Toms assistant. I tried to get you to be mine but Dom insisted that Tom needs you more then me."

"Don't worry Haz I'm not goin to let Toms and I issues get in the way of what's important"

Haz gives me a smile before we reach a large wooden door. Haz knocks on the door twice before entering.

And there he is. He is hot not gonna lie but he is a dick. He didn't even look up from his desk. Haz motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of Toms desk so I did. And with that Haz left. He left me alone in a room with one of the biggest assholes I've meet.

He did it say anything so I looked around his office I was drawn to the massive glass window the took up a whole wall. The view was undesirable.

"You have your office to the right of mine. Your basic job is to organise my schedules and remind me of upcoming events or meetings. Anyone here to see me will go through you first and you will escort them to my office. You will attend meetings and events with me and go over anything I ask you."

That was a lot to take in at first but I got the memo. I was excused from his office and found my way to mine. It was beautiful and big. Then I came to realise I'm not in my office alone.

"It's nice isn't it"

I turn around to see Haz.

" are you kidding me it's more then nice. This was a good decision thank you again Haz"

"Don't thank me I wanted to do this"

Haz and I talk some more in my office till he asks a weird question out of no where.

"So when was the last time you actually got some action"

"Seriously Haz"

"What I'm curious and I'm like your bestfriend so who else are you going to talk about this with"

He was right I literally had no one else to talk about this stuff with so fuck it.

" 4 months. I know it's long it's just I've been trying to get on my feet. But know you bring it up I need some action. But not that vanilla shit nah ah I want the rough shit." I smile knowing I've probably made Haz a little uncomfortable.

"Well how about you say tonight you go out and get some as a celebration."

"You know what I will. But you ain't coming"

"What why"

"Cause with a jaw line like that I ain't gonna get nothing coming my way"

Haz laughed and before you knew it it was the end of the day. Haz dropped you home before reminding you same time tomorrow.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum