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With just a few months in ari and tae where the talk of the school .people wanted to be their friends only because tae was filthy rich and would spoil ari every time she would have the latest purses,  watch, chain, heels, clothes hell even the latest car to drive .

She declined half or them except the expensive clothes she didn't want to seem like a gold digger her mom is independent she wanted to follow in her mom's foot steps .


Tae arrived at ari's apartment a little earlier than usual he thought about bringing her to school which only happened 2 times now. He pulls up and Parked across from there waiting.

Ari finished eating her toast and drank some orange juice before heading out . She waited a lil til a black Escalade pulls up and someone steps out . He hands her a big bouquet with some roses and out came Jason.

" j-jason what are u doing at ma house 😒"

She throws the roses on the ground and looks at him clearly not pleased.

" i know u mad at me but am here now am sorry girl "

She carefully wipes her face she didn't want to look like some stupid who fall for a trap he always put up . He grabs her hands in his and look at her pleading 🥺

" please lemme take u to school and then take about this later "

She looks at him up and down then nod slowly he then takes her hand and lead her inside the Escalade before it quickly drove off  . Tae who was still across the street grips the staring wheel glaring at the car now gone out of sight .


People whispers seeing her walk in with Jason by her side and not tae .she grips the end of her shirt as they made It through the crowd and to her locker on the other hand tae walks in the halls with his backpack slinger over his shoulder. He took one glance at ari then Jason and his eyes darken 👀.

Even during class she caught his looking at her she slid down in her chair he was on the fourth row at the back of the class or more so he was been moved beside her as of now.  She tense up when he touched her shoulder while passing.

Through the whole day she felt her heart beat 2× its normal she quickly walks to find Jason once the teacher dismissed them all . Tae who was quick enough grabs her and enter the school janitor closet.

Tae= stop acting like am not alive i know u see and hear me ari.

Ari= l-let me go tae Jason is waiting to hang out

Tae= why do u like Jason so much when he does give two shit about u anyways I like u always ari 🤧

Ari = tae lemme go and stop capping 💀 if u wanted me why are u letting me slip away.

What she said just now breaks him he was so caught up in popularity to even noticing his aka future wife slipping out of his life . He grips her waist and pull her close to him connecting his lips to hers . It was rough and dominant she didn't want to tell him this was her first kiss even though she didn't many sinister things like hide a criminal in her house .

He pulls away cus humans need to breath he looks into her eyes before kissing her one last time he opens the janitor door and walks out leaving a flustered ari lending up on the room wall .


She walks to the basketball court and took a seat on the seat area. She watches as Jason and also tae walks on the field. Tae joined the basketball 🏀 team a couple weeks before he met ari him and Jason were the big hot shots in the team with Jason being the captain and tae the co captain .

Tae watches her in the seat area looking at him all eyes he took off his shirt and runs on the court catching the ball .Jason then take his off also running to the court. During the whole practice the two boys would try to get ari's attention by throwing a slam dunk or even taking the ball from the other players.

The practice match was over and people started leaving ari watches as tae drys off and head off the field. She walks down the path of seats towards him but unfortunately someone got to him first .tanya who was watching from the crowd as well was kissing her boyfriend on the lips her FUCKING BOYFRIEND 💀.

instead of walking there to confront them she walked to the door and exits.

She stayed outside his car and waited Jason who was nearby saw her and approached.

" hey I saw u at ma practice game did u like it "

" yea it was great yall taking shirts off to impress me I see 👀 "

" uh😅.....yea anything by chance u want to grab some fruit pop by the food court on the mall "

" um.....sure let's go 😊"

He opens the car door smiling at her as she got in he then got in himself and turn the car on and get moving.

(Tae pov)

As soon as I finished practice I watched the rest of people leaving i began to pack up my stuff and head home before I even leave tanya approached me moving her hips side to side not gonna lie she was a whole baddie . I watched as she stops  infront of me then look up on the stands ( aka the seats place ) there was ari before I even process what was going on she kissed me.

I wanted to push her away but I felt her tougue entering my mouth and I gave up . I saw ari storms outside and thats when I pushed her away I run outside and behind me I saw her smirkin. I stopped and searched around hoping to see her and I did but she was entering Jason's car and he drove off .

I walked over to my Bentley truck and follow them to the location.


Ari and Jason were inside a fro yo place called sweet treats .they sat down at a table waiting for their delicious yogurt/ice cream to be served. Eventually it was served.

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