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Armani pov

As if a sign told me to keep away from Jason thats what I did today as I step into the school hall everyone was laughing at me I grab my hoodie and forceful drag it over my head and look down

At the end of the hall stand Jason and tanya and also tyson and his pals . My locker was just at the end of the hall how unlucky I saw tanya step away from them and approached me slowly

" wow thought u would be hiding armaniiii"

She said pretty loud for my liking i roll my eyes and pack my locker with stuff as well as taking out my books

" well....maybe I was stupid to think i had a friendship with u "

Everyone in the halls started to crowd around us i felt uncomfortable so I push pass them only to have a book thrown at me

" dont u dare walk away from this u bitch"

How much I want to shut her up but I kept my cool

Time skip~~

It was time for lunch which Jason walks out before everyone to wait on his princess I gagged thinking about them both .

I went to a garden behind the school and sit on the bench my mom made me some lunch as a sorry for yesterday at dinner.

While I was eating I noticed a figure was standing behind me I was screaming in my head so hard the person was non other than Jason

I roll my eyes and continue eating scrolling through my phone " I know u see me ari let's talk"

Thats when all the angry or word vomit came up " what u want to talk about how great your life is Jason " he then grabs my hand and looks in my eyes " am not tryna use u or nothing I was just not feeling like myself anymore.....

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