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September 3th, 1998

"Bloody hell! If I knew there would've been this many mosquito around here I would've brought a net!" Ron yelped as he splashed a third mosquito on the back of his neck.

"Don't be such a cry baby, Ronald." Hermione hissed. Her arms were filled with mosquito bites and she scratched all of them open.

Harry was the only one that didn't mind the mosquito's as much. Even though the weather was hot, and sweat was dripping off his forehead, he managed to wear his jumper which covered most his arms and neck.

"How much farther is it?" Ron asked again.

"I think we're close." Answered Harry,

"You think we're close?"

"It's not like I've been here before, Ron. And as much as I'd like to see Lucius' morning stroll in the woods, I'm neither tied to any of the Mafoy's with dark magic so yes - I think we're close." Harry gave a sigh as he jumped over a fallen tree. "Just look for anything out of the ordinary," Harry turned around as he let his eyes watch over the forest trees. "like a door or a big stone that doesn't belong in the forest."

"Like stairs?" Hermione questioned.


Hermione pointed behind him and a few steps further behind Harry was a small hole in the ground. The trio walked up to the hole and Hermione was right. There were actually stairs going down.

As Harry attempted to step onto the stairs - Ron pulled him back by his shoulder. "It might be charmed."

"Voldemort is dead, Ron. Whatever he had charmed faded as soon as he did." Hermione stated.

"Yeah? How'd you know?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, steadied her bag over her shoulder and stepped down the stairs. She pulled her wand out of her bag and gave it a flick. "Lumos!" A small lighting boll came out of the tip of her wand and lit up the small hall around the stairs.

After what felt like hours, they finally reached the bottom where a wooden door was half open and waiting for them to enter. "I don't like this." Ron stated but both Hermione and Harry ignored his comment.

Harry had pushed Hermione softly back and walked into the room with his own wand raised in front of his chest. He had cast a Lumos as well and stepped on the left side of the room while Hermione searched around the right side.

The room was empty. It wasn't even a real room. The ground and walls were stone and there was no other exit beside the stairs. Hermione wandered through ideas to how it could've gotten here. Maybe in the previous days it was made by Indians, or maybe Voldemort had charmed it entirely for his like.

But she'd doubt that. The room seemed to old and too poorly built for his liking.

Ron walked behind Hermione and after a good few minutes he had casted a light for his own and walked off from her.

Hermione guided her fingers over the wall. There were a few cracks going up to the ceiling which stopped abruptly above her head. Hermione shifted her eyes a bit further and let her wand hand move aside to see another crack. The crack was exactly the same as the first one, but it almost met the one she had her fingers on.

Hermione walked further but beside these two, the walls were clean. "This is strange, don't you think? These cracks..." Hermione pointed at them with her wand. "...There are only these two. While the other of the room is clean."

"There could've been a door." Harry walked closer to the cracks and let his fingers investigate them just as Hermione had. "But if it was sealed it should've been shown by now."

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