Chapter: 1

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Katherine pov

She was running for her life. After finding out, the person she thought loved her was only using her for some sacrifice Katerina's first instinct was to run who wouldn't want to run when someone was going to kill them? And she knew she would never stop running, since she is a vampire she knew her blood would do him no good. She not only ruined his imperfect plan but she ripped away his opportunity for him to be whole. 

2 months later

Katerina was noticing some changes she always woke up, throwing up the blood she drank the night before always hungry for more blood and food. She knew it was something out of normal so she went to none other than a witch. Even though she was a new vampire she knew her blood cravings shouldn't be as strong as they are.

"What is wrong with me, I shouldn't be throwing up blood."

"You're pregnant."


"There's also something else this child will fall into slumber on their 5th birthday. This curse was put on your child by someone who hates her father, Niklaus."

"W-when will my baby wake up."

"I'm not sure. But you need to protect and hide this child, she is a Mikaelson after all."

Knowing the news that she was with child Katerina was happy she was but she also knew the hatred that her father's child carried would never go away so she couldn't tell him. He had killed her family. Katerina knew she should hate him but hating him meant she hated the child inside of her and she couldn't hate her child. 

Katerina wonders if things had gone differently if he grew to love her would he have still killed her? Would he care that she was having his child? If she got to her family before he did would her father look at her the same way he did the first time he found out she was pregnant? Would he take it away just like the last time?

6 months later

Katerina never wanted to feel the pain of child labor. Not after her first daughter got taken away from her before she could hold her, but she knew with this child she would get to spend time with them, like she couldn't spend time with her first daughter.

"Push Katerina, I see the head!"

"What do you think I'm doing!" Somehow the room felt too hot and Katerina was so sweaty and everything hurt and she hated every second of this, she just wanted the baby out she just wanted to get to the good parts, without the pain. 

Katerina screamed one last time her hands curling in fists around the covers, and pushed one last time before finally delivering her baby into a cruel cold world. A world Katerina had yet to uncover all its cruelness. A world she would make just as cruel but she doesn't know that yet all she knows is that her baby is here and this time she gets to hold it.

"It's a girl."

"Let me hold her." Katerina insisted she knew Lily would never take her daughter away but she couldn't risk it she had to hold her baby girl. Because she couldn't hold her last one and the moment she felt her baby in her hands Katerine sobbed as she held her and in that moment Katherine knew she would do anything it took for the little baby in her arms.

Lily was the witch who told her she was pregnant. She helped Katherine throughout her whole pregnancy, she was the only one she trusted. She was her only friend.

"What are you going to name her."

"Isabella Nicolette Rose Mikaelson Petrova."

"You gave her, her father's last name. He's not worthy of it." Lily said with a sneer every witch who knew of the Mikaelson wasn't fond of any of them, especially Klaus.

"But that doesn't change the fact that she is his daughter, if he ever stops running after me she'll meet him."


"Cause I know what's it like not to have your child near you, to have them ripped away and not getting to know them. I can't do that to her not, even if I hate her father, she's innocent in this."

"She's perfect you know."

"Yes, she is, my little princess."

5 years later

It was time, she knew it would come the day her baby, her princess would be put to sleep and she couldn't take it. She never took advantage of the moments she had with her.
After celebrating her daughter's birthday with Lily who had become a friend, sister, and aunt they had to prepare Isabelle, she had already known she was going to fall asleep. Katherine wanted to make sure she was prepared for it.

"When you wake up I will be waiting for you, ok I promise."

"You promise Mommy."

"I promise baby."

"Will I get to see Daddy when I wake up?"

"Yes, you will baby."

And before Isabelle could say more she fell into a deep sleep. Katerina felt her body trembling as she watched her daughter she was probably never to be woken up again. Lily was crying too they lost the best thing that made them whole. They put her in a coffin and put many cloaking spells on her so she wouldn't be found by her father's enemies. After that, Lily and Katherine had to part ways since word had it Klaus was near. She was going to Paris and her daughter in a coffin with her.

Authors Note 

The girl on top is Isabella

I changed something and added somethings nothing to major might change more in the future who know. Some of the changes are Katherine to Katerina cuz she hadn't changed her name yet and Pierce too for the same thing. I was moving way too ahead of the story. 

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