Chapter 14

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Thanks epp_123 for the idea of this chapter!

George's mom's POV
I woke up put on my clothes on because George is going to meet Cindy. It's wrong for a boy to like another boy and 3 boys together makes it worse. George's father left me for a guy which made me mad and when George came out just made everything worse! I snapped out my thoughts and went downstairs. I grabbed a banana and a water bottle and went down to the basement,  undid the locks, and opened the door.

"Wake up George today your gonna meet Cindy your soon to be wife" I called into the darkness but heard no answer

"George?" I walked down into the basement and turned up on the light. I looked around for George but he wasn't anywhere in here so that must mean....he escaped!

"GEORGE!" I screamed and grabbed my phone to call the hitman

"Hello Morgz hitman service"

"Find and kill Sapnap, Dream and George!" There was silence before he answered

"Alrighty ma'am that's gonna be $120"

"Ok I'll pay just go find them and kill them or else I will kill you"

"Ok ok ma'am were on it now"

"Good" I hang up and call Cindy and tell her he died she yelled at me and hung up

~with the 3 (3rd person POV)~
The three are at George's home checking on his stuff since he's been out for a while and just because.

"Everything seems fine to me babes" George told them before sitting on his bed

"Good what do you wanna do now?" Dream asked

"Let's go on another date!" Sapnap suggested

"Yes let's do that! But where at?" George asked

"Applebee's!" Dream said

"Let's go!" All three of them and walked out of George's house hand in hand and got in the car and drove to Applebee's

~At the bees of Apples~

George got out the car and went ahead of them

"C'mon Dream and Sapnap!" He called out to them

"Where coming Gogy wogy" Sapnap called back as him and Dream got out

"I'm not Gogy wogy I'm George!" George yelled

"Whatever you say Gogy wogy" Dream said and walked in holding both of their hands and going inside

"Table for 3 please!" Sapnap told the lady

"Yes sure no problem!" The lady walked the 3 to a booth and they sat with Sapnap in the corner, George In the middle and Dream on the end

"Here are the menus" The lady said and handed them the menus before leaving

"What do you guys gonna get?"

"Wait! I forgot something in the car!" Dream stands up and runs outside and followed him

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ambulance, perimedicts, and cops were called

George, Dream and Sapnap are dead

--ghost Dreams POV--
'what the fuck happened to me' I thought then I looked down and I looked like my normal self buy just....transparent and my body was on the floor with what I think was a gun shot. I looked to see George and Sapnap both looked the same but   transparent and their body's on the floor with gunshots as well

"Guys I believe we're dead" I told them

"Yeah I'm pretty sure we are but who the hell killed us!"

"It must of been my mom the police probably didn't get her yet but what do we do now?" George sounded a bit sad

"It's alright George we'll just have to help the police get her" I said and managed to float over to him

"Wait we're ghost now WE CAN DO ANYTHING!" Sapnap yelled

"Shush Sapnap!"

"Okayy but now we can do anything!"

"Well right now we need to go find George's mom"

"But how do we move?" George asked me

"I don't know I just floated and moved through the air"

"Well then I guess we should learn how to move then we go find George's mom"

~20 minutes later~

"Alright we can move let's go!" Sapnap said and we all floated to George's mom's house

the next few chapters will be about the now ghost trio

Words: 690

3 Crazys in Love(dreamnapfound)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon