The Discovery

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Black folds and panting consumed the attention of all senses. Cold, slick flooring caused a chill to run through a small, frail body. The labored breaths continued to fill the rather small area surrounding the figure, until the child recognized the breaths as their own. Trying to reach out into the never ending darkness, revealed the fact that their hands were bound together behind their back. Slowly, a strong throbbing racked through the back of the child's head, the panting turning into more of a whimper, trying to reanalyze the situation. Paying more attention on what the child could focus on, instead of the seeming endless darkness that enveloped them. Wearing a simple tshirt and shorts, the child could tell that they were still completely clothed, making it apparent that they weren't compromised physically, besides the throbbing that wracked through their entire body, starting at the back of their head. Short, soft locks covered up most of the child's face in a rather shaggy looking haircut, the fringe covering up their eyes and most of their nose. Using the strength alone in their legs, they were able to force themselves to stand up, their feet slowly feeling around the cold flooring.

The child's mind raced, trying to remember something, anything to give them the slightest inclination as to what their purpose was being in this compromising situation, but there was nothing. The harder the child searched their mind, the more they realized there was nothing to find, the throbbing sensation only growing stronger the harder they looked. Taking a deep breath, trying to focus, despite the fact that the tight cloth covered their eyes, residing under the fringe. Suddenly there was a door that opened, a cold rush of air brushing against rather pale skin of the child. For whatever reason, the child's bare feet carried them to the door, before a rather low voice spoke.

"Hurry." Even though only a single word was spoken by what the child assumed to be a male adult, there was a deadly tint to their simple word.

Taking a deep breath, the child walked quicker, being shoved through the door. A large hand gripped onto the child's shoulder, forcing them down a large, long hallway. Having nothing else to rely on, the child used the forceful dragging to stumble forward, trying not to mess anything up.

The sound of another door opening up ahead vibrated down the rather silent hallway. The man whose large hand gripped the child's shoulder, started to move faster, before coming to a halt to the exposed room. Being shoved in, the child stumbled forward, their bare feet hardly able to properly keep their balance without the help of using their hands. Tucking their shoulders in towards their body, the child rolled forward with the shove, using the momentum to turn the fall into a somersault, before perching on the balls of their feet while kneeling. The rush of adrenaline surged through the child's veins, leaving them questioning about how they knew how to do that, none the less questioning on how their reflexes allowed them to react so quickly.

The sudden slam of the door behind the child startled them out of their thinking process. Flinching slightly, smaller hands were felt undoing the bindings behind the child's back, continuing to try and relax. Feeling the release of tension from their wrists, the child immediately started rubbing calluses evident on their skin. Clearly, this wasn't the first time they were bound in such a way.

"It says here a eight year old male, of lost decent..." A rather soft voice spoke out, the blackness suddenly disappearing from the child's view, as the brightness made them cringe, their eyes narrowing as they tried to adjust to the new surroundings. Blinking rapidly, a soft gasp could be heard from another voice, as the child still could only see blurry shapes, and bright light. It was apparent that the child wasn't used to such bright lighting. Light steps were heard walking around the child's frame, slowly turning a dial as the lanterns in the room all dimmed at the same time. In the rather dim lighting, the child's eyes fully opened, quickly adjusting to the darker room, taking in every detail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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