Chapter 05: "This Is Why I Don't Socialize"

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The smell of blood and hatred stung the air, poignant and heavy it slithered through the hazy swamp and scarcely grown wooded area. There was nothing around but zikades blasting in the wind and the occasional alligator that stuck up his nose through the water to watch the scene unfold before them.

The harrowing screams of Klaus fighting off his murderous father drew them and every living creature into hiding. But being the storm chaser you were, you ran toward it. It seemed like you were running towards danger your whole life, always chasing your impending doom but then when it seemed like you lost, you fought against certain death. However, this time, knowing Klaus and his wrath, it sounded impossible to come out of it the victor.

Bloody mouth, scraped skin and rage that could set the trees ablaze, was what you were met with first. A struggled roar rang through the area when you neared the fight. Klaus had Mikael in a chokehold grasping blade that once belonged to a voodoo king in his other hand. Mikael had the white oak stake firm in his hold, ready to plunge it into the bastard son he so loathed.

Then, Mikael hurled as the blade embedded itself into his chest and he fell on the damp ground. The white oak stake rolled out of Mikael's hand onto the damp floor. Klaus reached for it in one quick motion, before he could reach it, however, you snagged it out of his hands with your magic. It landed in your outstretched hands as if forced by a magnetic field. Your hand was trembling but you did your best to keep it steady as you held the stake towards Klaus.

"Are we skipping the part where you beg for forgiveness?" Klaus asked, waiting for you to fall onto your knees before him. He should've known better by now.

"You know me. Begging isn't my style. Backstabbing, however, I have fond memories of that"

"Yes yes, you almost succeeded in killing me once." He waved off "Don't boast yourself."

"Technically I did."

"Yet I'm still standing." He smirked and extended his arms like a warrior in a battle already won "Won't say the same about you after I'm done."

"You don't have the balls to kill your father, so you want to kill me instead?? How original of you."

"Kill you? That's rather pedestrian. What I want to do will shake that boy you hide in that cabin to his core." Klaus recited calmly, yet there was no doubt of the deadly intent behind his words "How did you manage to move on from my brother after all your promises? What would he say to this scandalous behaviour?" He said, the triumphant smile melting to a disappointed stare.

Klaus weaponized guilt all too often and usually, it would not have much effect, but this was especially vile and untrue. Was it?

"How dare you!" You closed your hand to a fist giving Klaus an aneurism that brought him to his knees, crying out with agony.

"How dare you!" Klaus gritted his teeth as he fought against the magic-induced pain, clawing on the ground to keep a steady stance with his feet. "You resurrected the most vile creature that has walked the earth to conspire against me! You, who knows the impact of a fathers cruelty!"

"You want an apology? You're not gonna get one. I did what I had to do! because you, nor anyone else did anything to help him. Nothing."

"I mourned my brother as deeply as you have, but Mikael is an entirely different grief you have unleashed upon me and my family! "

"Kol is your family! Or have you forgotten?" Tears of anger escaped against your will, tainting your skin with sorrow " I am completely on my own, without any power. I had to make alliances. It's what you would have done yourself, so spare me your judgement. "

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