Naberius Kalego x Reader| Home Visits

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The newest episode (12) is currently my new favourite episode 🥰

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Kalego x Reader| Home Visits ft Opera!!
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No Ones POV
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Kalego barely had any time to react when he was suddenly glomped by a former classmate.

"(Y-Y/n)!?" Kalego gasped, sweat dripping down from his forehead. The demon in question, sat on his back, arms and legs wrapped around him in a piggy back.

"(Y/n) and I have been looking forward to your visit all day Kalego." Opera looms over his junior. "What took you so long? Did you purposely wait it out to keep us waiting?" Kalego flinched under Opera's stare.

You tugged on your juniors ears, "Is master Iruma your last visit?" You gasped in 'surprise' (Though Kalego knows you did it to just annoy him), "You saved us for last so you can have more time with us, didn't you?"

"I would never!"

Lord Sullivan walked into the room at the sound of all the commotion.

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Time Skip
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"Are you not sleeping over?" Opera held up the overnight staying kit you put together while they attended the parent teacher meeting.

"I detest it!"

"You're as loud as ever, Junior Kalego." You popped up behind him, poking his sides. He retreated back, jumping at every move you made to poke at his sides-not that he would ever admit it, but those areas were his ticklish spots.

Iruma and Sullivan watched the households security demons and his professor with amused eyes. "Professor Kalego acts so different with them.."

"But of course! Kalego first met them when he was a first year!" Sullivan brought up their school days once again.
"They're what you would call, friends." The chair demon smiled sweetly at the trio.

"Just stay the night Kalego!" You jumped on his back again.

"Iruma wants you to spend the night too, right Master Iruma?" Opera brought little Iruma into the ring.

"Eh-? S-sure!" Iruma, unable to say 'no' to anyone, agreed with a nod of the head.

"You little-" Kalego was abruptly cut off.

"'You little'? Kalego, that's no way to treat Master Iruma. I thought you knew better." Opera towers over Kalego.

Kalego couldn't really reply back though, his attention on trying to get you to loosen your grip on him.

"Kalego," You gripped you arms tighter, "The familiar mustn't go against the master."

Kalego froze under you headlock. He didn't even need to look at you or Opera to know that you had plans.

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Time Skip
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"Here you go Kalego. We made sure to make something you'd really enjoy." You placed your juniors plate in front of him.

After some fun with eggie-chan, somehow both you and Opera had convinced him to spend the night.

Actually 'convinced' isn't the right word... you mainly just wore him down. Or at least, that's what it looked like.

Unknowing to Iruma or Sullivan, who aren't as observant when it comes to Kalego, said professor actually caved for one demon.


'Seems his infatuation with (Y/n) still stands.' Opera's tail wagged, ears twitching and eyes shining. If you looked closely, you could see a light blush on their face.

It's currently dinner time. Lord Sullivan, master Iruma, and Professor Kalego all sat at the dinner table. A whole variety of food set out on the table.

Kalego had let his senpai's plate his food, and retrieve some high class wine for him. He concluded that it was better to just sit and be quiet; since if he tried to say anything back to them in argument, he would either be roasted or scolded.

... which isn't too good for his image.

"Why aren't you eating? Don't be picky." Opera pushed Kalego's plate to his face, nudging him with it.

"Do you need me to spoon feed you?" You offered, sitting on the other side of Kalego-he had chosen to sit a bit away from the chair demon and Iruma, not wanting to have to interact with them any further.

"Wha-what!?" Kalego tensed.

You inwardly smiled when seeing the very faint flush of red tint your grumpy juniors face.

'He's so cute when he gets shy.' You thought with your own tiny blush.

Taking a silverware, you scooped some of the warm food from his plate and held it up to his tightly closed mouth.

Kalego tensed up even more, this time feeling his face get heated. He could practically feel Opera staring at him with waiting eyes. On top of that, that damn chair demon and his brat grandson also had their eyes on him.

"That isn't necessary." Kalego takes the fork from your hands finally.

The two security demons stepped back, on stand by to serve and aid whenever the time comes during dinner. Their eyes were mainly on Kalego though.

You felt Opera nudge you.

Glancing at them, you mouth 'what?'.

Opera didn't need to say or mouth anything back. They refers over to Kalego with a tilt of the head.

Catching on immediately, a red blush took over your face, but you still held your composure.

The three ate and shared a conversation, mainly Sullivan telling Iruma about Kalego, Balam, Opera and (Y/n)'s school days though.

The two Sullivan security devils chimed in every once in awhile, more frequent than ever though-is what Iruma noted. It was clear they were very happy to have Kalego there.

Kalego wiped whatever food had stained his lips with a napkin.

"You know Kalego," Opera picked up his plates. "If you and (Y/n) got married, you'd be able to eat good food like this more frequently."

"Hu-huh!?" Kalego-no matter how much he wish he could control it-felt blood rush to his face. A heavy blushing and sweating Kalego couldn't even find the words.

"You'd have to limit your alcohol intake though Kalego." You popped up beside Opera.

You had your own blush on your face, but owned it. Like a bos-

"I do not want a husband who drinks lots."

Maybe Kalego should have continued arguing with them about staying over the night. If he was successful, he wouldn't feel his pride get significantly wounded.

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