Dali x Reader| Drunk Memory

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Look It's Dali! Such a cutie!

Also sorry if first the first few chapters of this one shot book, the characters are a bit ooc. I'm trying to get into the hang of writing fanfics again, specifically one shots, but I promise I'll do my best and try to adapt to each characters personality's as possible!! ^v^

Requested By
No One

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No One's POV
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The call for their colleague caught the attention of the teachers of Babyls.

Everyone looked at the entrance of Brawl Inn-where this years teachers banquet was being held-and the majority of them let out a noise of amusement when they saw a familiar head of (h/c) hair.

"(Y/n)-!" Dali barely had any time to react when he was suddenly engulfed-I'm sorry, I mean TACKLED- into a hug by the waist.

"Found you!" The happy demoness cheered.

A few of the teachers smiled at the two, some chuckling to themselves at the display.

"Who is that?" Robin turned to his superior; Naberius Kalego.

The grumpy teacher begrudgingly answered the happy go lucky green bean, "A close associate of Professor Dali's."

"Very close." Shichiro added with a smile in his eyes.

"Dali don't drink too much, okay? You promised to spend the weekend with me! I don't wanna deal with your hang over all weekend!" The girl clung to one Dantalion Dali's waist.

Dali's smile turned into a chuckle.

"Don't worry. I won't. I'll see you at your place okay? Text me when you make it home." Dali unwrapped her arms from his waist.

Only for her to wrap them back around him.

"Suzy," (Y/n) turned to look at Stolas Suzy with a smile,


"Can you make sure Dali eats lots of green things while he drinks?"

"Of course, yis!"

"Do you not trust me?" Dali asked with a grin and quirked eyebrow.

"I trust you!" She then turned to look at is colleagues, "But I don't trust them." She glared.

A majority of the men gave a nervous laugh as they thought back to the last time a group of them got together to drink.

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Flash Back
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"What happened?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, eyes glued to a very drunk Dali.

"He was getting very stressed out! We had to do something in case he goes into his evil cycle tomorrow!" One of the male teachers explained, patting (Y/n)'s shoulder as reassurance.

"How many did you encourage him to have?"

"Only a couple! I thought he could handle his liquor."

Before (Y/n) could start a possible argument, Dali waddled his way over to her. "(Y/n)!" He wrapped an arm around her, almost instantly using her as support to just barely stand,

"Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen... listen,"

The girl grimaced at the strong smell of alcohol in his breathe, "What-?"

"Listen!" He held a finger up to her face.

She blinked and stared at him, urging him to continue silently.

"... I'm handsome... don't you think?"

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End Flashback
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"...that wasn't even that bad.."

"...rather tame actually..."

A few commented.

"You didn't have to deal with him hung over!"

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