Chapter 16: ¿Safe?

Start from the beginning

"I thank you for your help, but this is different!"

"All might-"

"Young Y/N, I am grateful for your help, but you really need to stay back, your body is already injured enough and you're at the verge of passing out, if it were to keep you around for long I don't want to think of what may happen.."

He's right..
I'm tired, and my hole body hurts, I can't feel my wrist and my face already hurts to much, but.. If I stay back, will I even be of help to him..

"It's gonna be alright! Just sit back and watch a pro do his work!"

"But you're to hurt you're bleeding, and you're almost out of-"

All might gives us a thumbs up, to assure us that he will be least I hope..
Please.. don't die

"Nomu, Kurogiri...Kill him, I'll deal with the children.."

If I use my power or any of my energy for to long then I will be on the ground any second, but if I don't help them then I will just let them get hurt, I promised something, and I will keep that promise until the day I take my last breath!

"Head's up we're fighting after all."

As we get ready to fight him, All might suddenly get a bost of power and charges at the Nomu with a full speed, and a big force from the hits pushed us all back.

"Weren't you listening? One of his power is shock absorption."

"Yeah, what about it?"

As they started to throw punch and punch at each other, us four tried to hold on putting all of our strength on the ground to try and not be sent flying in the sky.

"Should've fight that brain guy head on!"

"Woah they're, fast!"

"Everyone hold onto this, it will help you stay on the ground!"

I said as I attached a tentacle to each one of their arms.

"But, Y/N, if you use your quirk, you will ran out of energy and pass out!"

"I know, but just hold onto them for now! or do you want to fly out of that window?"

We watched as All might fought the Nomu head on, going beyond his power limit just to save us..

"A real hero.."

Even if you are injured..

"Will always find a way for justice to be served!"

You still fight..

And then right in mid air, he slam's the Nomu right onto the ground, making it break into peace's

"Now for a real lesson, you may have heard this words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean! Go beyond, plus.. ULTRA!!"

And with that he sent the Nomu flying up into the sky going right through the roof of the USJ.

"That was like the finishing move in a video game, he beat the shock absorption right out of him!"

"Imagine having a power like that..he must have had been punching that monster so fast he didn't had time to regenerate."


You did it..All might

"I really have gotten weaker, back in my hay day five hits would have been enough to knock that guy out! But today it took more than three hounder mighty blows!"

His almost gone

"Surrender we all want to end this quickly."

"Hey, hey what's going on, he's not any weaker at all. Did that guy lied to me?!"

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